
Recent Entries

December 29, 2004


I've been in Chiang Mai for a couple of days now and I need to finish my Bangkok blog entries while the thoughts and rambles are still in my mind and so that I can do some Chiang Mai entries. Up here in the north is not as exciting or exotic as Bangkok and really not quite as interesting (yet).

I ended the last entry with pictures and discussion of the Wat Pho and the food. One more thing on the food - it is amazing that there are so many places to eat everywhere, not just the street-side vendors but there are all types of restaurants all over the place. Half the life here is cooking and the other half is eating and I have yet to see a fat Thai person. They are mostly quite slim and in good shape, especially the women.

The women in Thailand are generally very beautiful and seem to have a distinctly feminine nature about them. Most take very good care of themselves and dress quite well. Evening and business dress can be quite revealing yet not overtly sexual or trashy.

I mention this not only because I think Thai women are very attractive but to discuss something that is very common here. There are many, many couples throughout the city made up of older white men and younger Thai women. It is very prevalent. The more interesting observation is that the men (mostly European) are really quite ugly and the women are young and beautiful. It is such a contrast that it is impossible to ignore. These couple are seen everywhere, walking along the streets, hand-in-hand, on the Skytrain and in restaurants and bars.

I guess there are a couple of explanations for this phenomenom:
(1) Thai women really like fat, ugly western men and thus it is easy for these fat, ugly men to meet and hook up with these beautiful women somewhere.
(2) These girls are the daughters of these men having sired them while stationed in the area during the Vietnam War era.
(3) Prostitution is alive and well in Bangkok.

I imagine that #3 is the most plausible reason. Like any big city, prostitution in Bangkok happens and there are several "red light" districts in the full of "go-go" bars and other places where it might be possible to find the woman of your dreams or at least a woman for the night. Some of these places are known for different levels of depravity of which Bangkok is famous.

I am sure most (if not all) of these women are paid to be in the company of these men and it does not seem to create any type of problem or stir up or bother any of the locals. It is accepted here as long as the girls are over 18.

Personal Disclaimer: I did not visit any of these bars or "go-go" clubs while in Bangkok but did stroll through a few of the areas during the day to check out the scene. I am not one of those fat, ugly westerners with a beautiful Thai woman at his side. I am not passing judgment of what people of free will choose to do as long as no one is getting hurt and the girls involved are of age, there is no exploitation and they are willing participants.

Enough of that.

Thailand has been an independent nation since AD 1238 and is the only country in South or Southest Asia never colonized by a foreign power. Since 1932 the government of Thailand has been a constitutional monarchy inspired by the British model. Freedom on the press and open voting are hallmarks of this society however the professional military keeps a strong hand in the running of the government and the Prime Minister must work with this constituency.

The king and Queen of Thailand are revered universally and it it against the law to deface or show disrespect to any image of the King. King Bhumibol Adulyadej is the ninth king of the Chakri dynasty and has been in power since 1946. His face is everywhere, on billboards, in shrines and supporting countless business initiatives and economic development opportunities throughout the country.

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I spent part of one afternoon visiting the Golden Palace. This palace is where the royal family lives and is a huge tourist attraction. There is wat with an Emerald Buddha and a bunch of beautiful sights. Most of the indoor sights did not allow pictures.
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Here's a picture of some of monk's at the Golden Palace. Monks in their orange robes are a common site throughout the country.
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I was there when a group of school children were touring, here they are in a group picture. Kids in every part of the world do goofy things when getting their picture taken!
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Bangkok does provide alot of familar sights and brands to the westerner. Many of the signs are in both Thai and English (thank goodness!) and it is rather easy to get around. English is spoken by a few and most of the people who deal with westerners understand a little bit.

Here are some familar signs:
7-11's are EVERYWHERE!! View image
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My personal favorite:
Picture 055.jpg
Ronald McDonald in a traditonal Buddhist "thank you" pose. This gesture is seeing everywhere and one I have picked up when saying goodbye or thank you to Thai's.

Here are some random pictures that I liked.

These 2 are a stark reminder of how many Thai's live. These were taken in the middle of the city from a Skytrain station and are surrounded by wealthly homes, upper class shopping and skyscrapers. A testament to the great disparity of wealth in Bangkok.
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I got some good advice from someone to always carry toilet paper in your backpack (most important for the women) because in areas where non-westerners are there is just a hole in the ground and a bucket of water. I honestly do not know what you are supposed to do with the water except clean your left hand after wiping (always use your left hand and never eat or touch another Thai with your left hand!). If you use the water to help "wipe" then one would think that your pants would get wet when you pull them back up and I have never seen anyone with big wet spots on their butts. So I'm still confused about all this. Anyway, if you forgot TP here you can buy a couple pieces for 2 baht. People laughed at me when I took this picture - me a typical tourist!
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Here are a couple of Thailand cats. They don't speak english because when I said "here kitty kitty" they just looked at me funny.
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That's it for today. I think I may have the material for another Bangkok entry in the near future.

Thank you for reading this. I hope to make this blog both interesting and entertaining. Please post a comment and let me know your thoughts, observations or counsel. Hearing from readers and knowing I have an audience is a great motivator and will be a great morale booster during down times on the road. Don’t forget to bookmark this site and tell a friend! Please feel free to e-mail me at “JeffMichie at Yahoo Dot Com”

Posted by Jeff on December 29, 2004 12:32 AM
Category: Thailand

Do the McDonald's sell McRoaches with flies?

Posted by: Patrick on December 29, 2004 07:14 AM

You know me I would defiantly be one of those fat ugly white guys walking around.

Posted by: Jason on December 29, 2004 10:43 AM

The pictures are so great.. Thanks. In every McDonalds I have ever visited there is a reminder to wash your hands before leaving.. your travels are giving that sign a new meaning. I don't think your older brother is ready for Thailand.
Have fun and keep this blog going.I am having fun reading this

Posted by: Bobbie on December 29, 2004 11:25 AM

The pictures are so great.. Thanks. In every McDonalds I have ever visited there is a reminder to wash your hands before leaving.. your travels are giving that sign a new meaning. I don't think your older brother is ready for Thailand.
Have fun and keep this blog going.I am having fun reading this

Posted by: Bobbie on December 29, 2004 11:26 AM

very interesting. really enjoy reading about the different lifestyles. I didn't pay this much attention in school. Be safe and keep writing.

Posted by: Doug on December 29, 2004 12:54 PM

Jeff, I am SOOOO Sorry I missed you before you left for this wonderful adventure. Please know that I think of you often, and always fondly. May God take care of you along this journey in all ways possible!
Now, take a picture with YOU in it!
Stay Cool!

Posted by: phyllis on December 29, 2004 03:31 PM

We have had two days of snow here. Wed I cleared the driveway twice. Today as I had to go to work Fred kept the driveway clear. His shoulder is hurting and so is his ankle... want to come home and leand a hand? Just kidding .. well sort of. Hope you are thinking about getting more shots... Just an idea that popped into my head.
Love you

Posted by: Bobbie on December 30, 2004 10:52 PM

Hey Jeff-- I just got caught up on your trip. --great stuff. aren't a bean counter at heart either....they'd never do anything like this! Look forward to keeping up with your travels. Take care

Posted by: Lynnie B on December 31, 2004 12:24 AM
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