Off again!
Monday, December 5th, 2005It’s time again… time for a new trip. Always on the run, that’s me. Today I will be leaving for Brussels, cheap flights from Ryanair, and staying over at a friends which I have not met since I was 12! They were nice enough to offer me pick-up at airport and bed =) Tomorrow I will be meeting Misato, my travel companion at Gare du Midi (train station) since she will be over with train from England.
Trip will be: Brussels 1 night, leave for Antwerp, stay 3 nights, leave for Amsterdam, stay 3 nights, back to Brussels, stay 1 night.
Not too complicated. We will be visiting all the Christmas Markets, skate on all the ice-rinks and buy lots of christmas presents for everyone! Eat tons of chocolate, visit a friterie, try all the belgian beer, waffles, hmm… visit many many many art galleries. Visit Anne Frank’s house, Van Gogh museum, Momu fashion museum… etc. This time the travelogue will be slightly different, instead of writing what we’ve done and what we’re up to, I think we will try to review some of the places we’ve been to. So it will be a little more of a travel guide.
I think the theme with this trip will be ;; ART ;; whatever form it may be. We are both artsy people, and would sit all day in a cafe just listening to the music and jotting down a few words… or finding all kind of small, alternative shops, the little glimts of love that’s spread out around the globe. So it’s like a mission trip, to find the beauty the cities have to offer in our eyes. Maybe we will even get some inspiration.
So; follow us along and see what we find! (& don’t forget to comment so we know what you’re up to!)
Misato and me back in Warwick. Eating tofu from our own home-made hotpot. Yum.