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Monday, December 12th, 2005

Okay, here’s me admist the notorius Amsterdam, and in a Christian Youth Hostel, very safe and sound. The next street is the Red Light District though I have to say. We visited it today, we didnt dare before being only two girls, but today was okay because we went with two japanese guys that we bumped into at the hostel yesterday night (got to know them very well as we played Monopoly haha).

Red Light District: Hmm. A bit surreal actually, and mostly gross and eeky, dont very enjoy seeing a half -naked girl standing by a red window, with a bed in her back, waiting for someone to tread in… also sexshops EVERYWHERE! But the funny thing is that theres little normal pubs and waffleshops stuck in between, so its like “ooh cute waffles” and then “ooh huge penis!” for people around here i guess its very normal, but to me… so strange and absurd.

Also, Amsterdam = loads of coffeeshop. Which means where you can smoke marijuana… and they are also everywhere. And hobos are everywhere, and graffiti is everywhere. Basically, city = very cheap (in the bad way, not as in price is cheap because its not) and a little scary at some points.

But still, tonight we got a little different taste of it. After walking around for a long time, we ended up in a little local pub where every customer knew each other and where one guy who was some japanese martial art teacher started chatting with us. Everybody so friendly, and made us feel so at home, it was very nice!

Earlier today, we visited Anne Franks house, where she hid during the 2nd world war. It was surreal seeing the movable bookshelf and photos and the actual place where she really stayed! Remembered such an impact she had on me when I was younger… also visited the Van Gogh museum which was MASSIVE. Costed me 10 euro, so we stayed there for hours trying to get every painting in our soul i guess.

Oh, money matter very sensitive because I got my wallet knicked when I was leaving Antwerp. Me, getting off train, bag half open, guy puts hand in, takes out wallet, runs away… me in shock, and looks in bag, wallet really gone, and guy really gone. So. One of those moments you play in your head again and again and so many ways you could have done it differently, but… at least I spent all the cash in wallet earlier that day on shopping… but annoying, had to cancel all my cards. And now i have very little money, which results in sharing dorm rooms with 16 other girls, and eating cheap kebabs and burgers and sometimes bratwurst everyday. Oh well, another experience i guess.



and everybody else is praying

double -_-

okay ,time ticking away on my meter. It seems harder to get hold of internet than i thought.

Also funny thing today, bumped into two guys who graduated in Warwick.They were in Anne Frank when we where there, and later went to Van Gogh. I mean what are the chances!! small small world

ok, bye for now!!


Wednesday, December 7th, 2005

Stupid french keyboard, so annoying. Computer really slow; so will update very little: pictures on:

City very pretty; all romantic; christmas things everywhere… and CHOCOLATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Off again!

Monday, December 5th, 2005
It's time again... time for a new trip. Always on the run, that's me. Today I will be leaving for Brussels, cheap flights from Ryanair, and staying over at a friends which I have not met since I was 12! ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Plan and The Plan-ning

Thursday, June 16th, 2005
cafe planning girls Sitting in café trying to alter the plan that did not get altered. Emelie holding MANDARIN phrasebook. Planning for this trip has a been a (if I may put it myself, I being Janie) ... [Continue reading this entry]