BootsnAll Travel Network

If you come to a fork in the road... use it

A bearded banana pitter and a seven-dreaded Amazon joined force in september 2009; Here is a collection of stories and discussions, accumulated throughout our adventures.

One Day In Sadhana

April 17th, 2009

We walked out to the motorbikes, or mopeds as they are known here. I
was wearing a green lungi wrapped as a full-length skirt and a white
singlet, and because that meant my shoulders were bare,  I wrapped a
cream silk scarf around them. Fumbling through my silk bag, I took the
keys and put them in the ignition, turned it and then kicked the

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Nepal – Our stay in Naudanda

April 11th, 2009


The road to Nepal wasn’t the most pleasant of journeys; our two day stop in varanassi quickly became six as Yoav and my guts too, came out everywhere possible, and we were bed ridden on separate occasions with fever, sweats and every possible symptom. Varanassi wasn’t the nightmare it sounds though, yoav caught up on his chess skills with some boys, we saw the ghats from the water, and did feel the gangas beauty as it swarmed with activity and life… Continue reading this entry »

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Sadhana Forest – A forest to grow people

March 29th, 2009

A basic Overview

 Sadhana Forest is an amazing place; it is 5 years old and built from nothing. The land was not unlike the moon upon arrival, and through love and tireless effort, the Rozim family, Aviram, Yorit, Osher and Shalev, and a transient volunteer population have planted thousands of trees, and established a fully functional, eco community. Continue reading this entry »

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Prologue to Adventure

March 29th, 2009

Only 8 sleeps until departure and I’m reminded why I am. I rush inside to the middle cottage, 5 newworld st, trying to get away from the cold dark gloom outside. Clouds block out the Southern Cross making the world seem close, compact and closeted. The clouds don’t bock out the rain though and light drops sprinkle my face as I run, resting gently like tiny diamonds, or a glowing sheen of fairy dust. But even such fantasies don’t hold me out. The cold is numbing and I bound over the balcony railing in one. Into the pandemonic and messy interiors.

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