BootsnAll Travel Network

Adventures in and around India

A short collection of my adventures in and around India and my experiences teaching English in various settings! Not in choronological order at the beginning, but they will be from now on - promise!

Hello World Traveller!

July 5th, 2009

Welcome to my new blog!

I have been living and working in Mumbai/Bombay since March 2008, but have only recently discovered blogging! I’ve written short articles on my experiences and adventures over the last year and thought I should gather them all together here.

Teaching English in Mumbai/Bombay, every day is different, there is always something to make you laugh or to surprise you. Just when you think you understand the country, or the city, or even the people, something happens to spin your persepective.

Hopefully my ‘blogs’ will give you a little insight into life here, and maybe make you smile too!

Thank you for reading


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