Enjoying Bali after some rest
in transit somewhere. We should get it back tonight hopefully! Otherwise we just walked around town (Ubud) yesterday. The main interest for the kids was the market. Ubud is turning into a busy tourist place.
Tuesday we had a nice walk around the rice fields and got used to the heat a bit more. We are still on Bromont time – we wake up at midnight and can’t get back to sleep. Alex played on his iPod from midnight to 6:00 am!!
Wed: hired a driver for the day and went to the biggest temple in Bali – Besakih. We were lunky because the Balenese are celebrating now and it was full of people dressed up to pray – (much more lively than the Maya temples). We had a traffic jam waiting for a cremation procession to pass – interesting for the children. Then we went to the beach – quiet but not amazing
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You will get on to Indonesia time soon enough. 12 hours is a big time change.
We are chasing our tails to get ready to leave. Of course, new and urgent issues alwasy crop up at the last minute.
You have done all that and are unglued from home
Expect LOTS of traffic jams and swarms of scooters all over Java
Keep having fun and keep posting
More pictures please
Its better that the airline lost half of a bike than half a kid LOL
Vous faites de tres belle photos en jupes, André nous a dit que vous aviez retrouvé votre valise, tant mieux. Jèspere que vous vous habituez avec le décalage horaire qui est tres grand. Alex va etre obligé de se mettre a l’heure, ca va etre dur. Nous aimons beaucoup les petites photos pour nous raprocher de vous et nous faire vivre votre aventure. A bientot.
Avons entendu qu’il y avait eu un tremblement de terre au large de l’Indonesie cette nuit chez vous mais qu’il n’ y aurait peut etre pas de tsunami. Si vous en avez eu connaissance vous nous le ferez savoir. Nous souhaitons que ce fut rien ou vous etiez.
A bientot.
Hello Alex,
Marlena showed your pictures too hers students.
You wear a sexy dress….
We are a the library, evrybody miss to you.
Have a nice travel and hope so to have yours news.
Kiss xox Marlena , Makenzie and evrybody…xox