BootsnAll Travel Network

Masai Mara safari

3 day Safari in the Masi Mara (Heidi’s journal)
La premiere journee on c’est leve a 6;30 car un petit autobus a 8 passages va venir nous rencontrer a notre hotel. On apprend ensuit que 4 autres personnes allaient nous accompagner pour le safari. Il y avait un anglais, 2 americains, et une fille du Belgique. On doit conduire 5-6 heures pour se rendre au park national Masi Mara. On est arrive au resto apres 3 jeures de route. Un heure apres le diner notre camion a fraper un tres gros trou et la roue en avant a brisee. Notre conducteur était tres calm ca ceci arrive assez souvent. On a trouver un auto qui allait aussi au masi mara. Enfin le groupe c’est separer puis on est parti. En chemin le deuxieme camion a eu une crevaison mis ils sont prets car ils ont deux pneux de spare!
Un demi heure apres notre arrive au camp, nous sommes parti pour notre premier game drive. Chaque auto a un radio pour les aides a trouver les amimaux. Notre conducteur s’appelle George et il est un tres bon guide. Le premier soir on a vu quelques chose de rare – un guepard qui a attrapper un bebe wildebeest. Ceci est tres rare car ils attrapent quelques chose seulement 1 fois sur 5 essaies. On dort dans des petits bungalows avec une douche froide. La nourriture a l’hotel est tres bonne mais c’est toujours a base de ‘bean’ alors les odeurs sont assez forte dans le vehicule.
(HT) The Masi Mara was quite amazing for viewing animals. Tons of zebras, wildebeest everywhere, and many different sorts of animals in the antelope family. Quite a few giraffes, elephants, wild boar, ostrich, vultures and other birds. We saw quite a few cheetahs, including the spectacular chase and kill of the wildebeest. We also saw a family of cheetahs lazing around. The lions were quite special, one group of 17 with a mom who was feeding 3 new cubs – beautiful to watch them feeding! We were also lucky enough to see a black rino which is rare in this park. We were at the right timing for seeing the wildebeest and zebra migration including the famous river crossing. There were many hipos in the river and a few crocodiles waiting for lunch which was quite exciting. The crocs snapped at a few zebras but didn’t get anything! It was an impressive site to see the animals crossing the river, dust as they came down the steep river bank and jumping into the river, crocs and hipos waiting, lots of adrenaline!
We all really enjoyed the animal safari and would have liked to spend more time. Hopefully we will be able to do some more with good animal sitings, but the Masi Mara is supposed to be the best. Next a cultural trek to see some of the ‘real’ Africa – and it turned out to be very real!


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