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Money, Laws, and Money

Thursday, September 14th, 2006

Written at 9:32 PM, 9-14-06


Before I get into describing my exploits in Monaco and my travels to Switzerland, I have to ask, is it any wonder that most “foreigners” have the impression of Americans being loud and obnoxious when many go around shouting some variation of “Fuck!” every other word. This, combined with the fact that every other word (in between the fucks) is “like,” really hinders making us, that is—we Americans—in sounding remotely intelligent. [read on]

Inspiration in Edinburgh

Monday, August 28th, 2006

1:49 PM, 8/28/06

I love Edinburgh. From its old buildings to its friendly people to its affordable prices (finally!), the place is great. Of course my affable disposition toward the city might also have to do with the fact that I finally got to sleep in. Yes, and to 10:00 no less! Granted, that used to be long before I’d wake up back in the states—but that fact aside, it felt goood. [read on]

The Cost of the English

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006
9:54 AM, 8/23/06 Yesterday was one of those crazy, do-everything days. I found myself up at 6:30 AM again, which allowed me to get some reading and riding done—and more importantly, have the showers to myself. It’s a lot easier to ... [Continue reading this entry]