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Chain of Islands

Wednesday, August 30th, 2006

10:29 AM, 8/30/06

So while posting the blogs I put up yesterday, I met a couple of American girls who were working on the computer next to me. And what a pair of cool chicks they were. Now something I’ve noticed about traveling is that the vast majority of young Americans are all really cool. I only met a few when I was in New Zealand and Australia (“hey” to any of you reading this!), but they were all just amazing people. [read on]

Inspiration in Edinburgh

Monday, August 28th, 2006

1:49 PM, 8/28/06

I love Edinburgh. From its old buildings to its friendly people to its affordable prices (finally!), the place is great. Of course my affable disposition toward the city might also have to do with the fact that I finally got to sleep in. Yes, and to 10:00 no less! Granted, that used to be long before I’d wake up back in the states—but that fact aside, it felt goood. [read on]

Lost in Transportation

Monday, August 28th, 2006
12:17 PM, 8/28/06 I got up early Monday morning and, leaving a sleeping Jacob, headed for the train that would take me north to Belfast. Only, after I got all the way across town to the station, I discovered that the ... [Continue reading this entry]

On High in the Emerald Isle

Monday, August 28th, 2006
7:31 AM, 8/28/06 When we last left off, Greg was enjoying a peaceful, restful night of sleep. And that it was, except for the fact that we had to be up by about 8 AM, which is probably nearly the latest ... [Continue reading this entry]

Ireland Knows How to Party

Sunday, August 27th, 2006
9:41, 8/27/06 After visiting the Cliffs of Moher, we returned to Galway only to find that there was no accommodation in the hostel we had hoped to stay at. It was fully booked when we left for the cliffs and there ... [Continue reading this entry]

Perched on the Cliffs

Friday, August 25th, 2006
10:07 PM, 8/25/06 We finished the trip to Galway without incident, although it took much longer to get there than we expected. Galway is a bustling city on the west coast of Ireland with a strong sense of identity. The Irishness ... [Continue reading this entry]


Thursday, August 24th, 2006
7:38 AM, 8/24/06 What a day of travel. Yesterday we traveled by train, bus, and ferry over a period of about twelve hours. Needlessly to say, we were quite relieved when we stepped off the ferry in Ireland. We took a ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Cost of the English

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006
9:54 AM, 8/23/06 Yesterday was one of those crazy, do-everything days. I found myself up at 6:30 AM again, which allowed me to get some reading and riding done—and more importantly, have the showers to myself. It’s a lot easier to ... [Continue reading this entry]

Dinner of Kings

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006
1:30 AM, 8/22/06 A relatively uneventful first day, but certainly an interesting second night. The room is saturated in smoke; it’s like one of those old westerns where a “thick layer of smoke hangs heavy in the room.” I suppose I’ve ... [Continue reading this entry]

London Update

Monday, August 21st, 2006
9:15 AM, 8/21/06 After my first night at The Generator hostel, I can safely say that I appear to have escaped the fiend known as jetlag. Now mind you, I woke up at 6:30AM, a feat I’ve not managed in quite ... [Continue reading this entry]