India,S.E.Asia and beyond….
In two weeks time I am going to be flying off on my year out….this is potion ive had bubbling for years and its very close to the boil 🙂
The plan is too fly to Madras (Chennai) India, where me and my friend Kate are to be staying, volunteering and exploring for 2months. The place we are staying is part of the township of Auroville just outside the old french colony of Pondicherry. Sadhana Forest is project set up to recreate the indigenous dry tropical forest that used to grow there. Check the link to the website for more details.
This is just the first part of our 10month trip around india and south east asia. We plan to see lots, expeiece new places and people, learn about new cultures and promote ecotourism.
After our two month stay in Pondicherry, where we will have plenty of spare time to travel around the district of Tamil Nadu- we plan to see much of india by train, as we work our way up to Delhi we shall stop in Bangalore, Mangalore, Goa, Mumbai, Bhopal, and Japuir. Crashing in backpackers hostels and learning about the surrounding enviroment and peoples and taking in as much as is possible. Is it any surprise I am to study anthropology next year?
 Once in Delhi we are to travel out to the Corbett Tiger Reserve where we have been offered a place on a research project looking into forest usage and the effects its having on the wildlife and enviroment. Standby for more information and our experience! After Delhi we have no more projects planned though we would welcome them! The next part of our journey will take us to the temples of Angkor in Cambodia, then through Thailand and Malaysia making our way to Singapore…..funds and time permitting we hope to make a stop over in Java and possible reach Bali before we have to say goodbye to travel for a few months and hello to the world of student life. Myself to Kent and Kate to Goldsmiths.
Tags: anthropology, ecotourism, india, Travel
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