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Hang gliding!!

Tuesday, December 25th, 2012

When I first told my friends that I wanna stay in Brazil over Xmas, one immediatly replied:

“Go hang gliding!”

Ehm, well.. for those of you who don’t know what hang gliding is (I didn’t either at that time), it’s basically jumping off a mountain 😉

Sounds great, right 😉

So despite my fear of heights, I really wanted to try it! I mean you literally only live once, right 😉

In hope for heavenly blessing, I booked a flight for December 25. No one dies on Christmas day, right??

Unfortunately, the winds were not right in the morning, so I spent the first couple of hours at the beach. Not bad either 😉

After lunch the wind finally turned! So we went up the mountain and jumped :)!!!

I am sooooo surprise that I really pulled it off!! I was actually super focused when I was in front of the ramp, although it’s really high and scary if you’re standing in front of the abyss!!

However since you’re looking to the horizon when you’re running, you don’t really recognize it. Everything seems very far away. And to stop running while your on the ramp is a very bad idea, so you basically have no other choice then keep running..

And the best moment is actually right after the jump, when you can feel the sudden drop in height. And the first look down while your gliding over an endless jungle… Amazing :)!!

I can only recommend it!!


After a couple of days in Rio, I really have to say that I love this city! It’s chaotic, run down, but open and lovely at the same time.. The beach is always near and everything feels like holidays :)!

This city really seems blessed!

On the road again..

Sunday, December 23rd, 2012

After traveling in a safe group for the last couple of days, I’m on my own again..

My plan is to fly back to Rio, to deposit my luggage and then to explore the region between Rio and Belo Horizonte. It’s supposed to be an amazing region with beautiful landscape, old villages, friendly people and good food 🙂 Exactly what I’m looking for!

The difficulty will be that no one speaks English here! So most of the time my interactions with locals end up with both sides being puzzled and confused 😉

However, it wouldn’t be the same adventure if there were not challenges like that 😉 Or to cite another great traveler:

“For the last 10 years I’ve been running a company called “The Adventurists”. We specialise in organising large scale, stupid and dangerous adventures. All based around the feeling that the world has gone soft. That health and safety is a evil force creeping into our minds and tutting loudly when anyone has any fun. Telling people it’s not their fault if they get burned from a coffee cup if it doesn’t say the words “caution hot” all over it. But it is your fault. You’re fucking stupid if you burn yourself with coffee.

Well that’s how it should be, but a bunch of oily shit-eating lawyers are making a lot of money from turning the world into a padded cell. So we try to organise adventures where you can’t control everything and where fun comes before safety. And importantly it’s your fault if you get fucked up. Because I believe that adventure can’t be safe and shouldn’t be carefully scripted. The best adventures come when things don’t go to plan. So next time you see a safety at work sign, pull it down and take a healthy dump on it.”

Check out their newest travel idea: reindeer racing 😉


The first glimps of Brazilian crazyness already occured on my flight back from Sao Paulo to Rio. As I could read in front of me:

“Use seat bottom for flotation.”

And a quick hand movement below my seat confirmed my fears, there was no life jacket! Welcome to Brazil, I guess 😉

Dream big!

Tuesday, December 18th, 2012

Today was a big day! With met two of the most interesting business people in Brazil, Paulo Guedes and Eike Batista, before heading to Sao Paolo to visit the other great city in Brazil.


Paulo Guedes

Paulo Guedes is a very fascinating businessman! He founded an investment bank, sold it to UBS, turned around a business school and writes a regular newspaper column about Brazil’s economy. His views very very interesting and he smoothly switched from topic to topic.

Key takeaways:

  • “Poverty is one thing, misery is another”: In his view, todays misery is an urban phenomenon. In earlier days when people were still living in rural areas, they could find everything they needed in the forest. If you’re living in a city this isn’t possible anymore.
  • “Strategy without execution is a dream!”: Ah, Goldberg would love him 😉 No additional comments needed.
  • Economy and government style: Brazil is going from an European style (left-wing, supporting your people) to a more American one (capitalist, more leverage).
  • High interest rates: Makes it difficult to invest in the stock market, because why should you do that if you can get 15% interest rate from a bank.
  • Number of companies: In the 70/80s, there were about 1,000 listed companies. Today, we only have about 400. Especially during the high inflation years, a lot of companies died, and not enough new ones grew. There is definitely a shortage of entrepreneurship in Brazil.
  • Family businesses: Most of the important companies in Brazil are still in family hands. However, it is very difficult to work for these companies, because everything is connected to the familiy in the end.
  • Why he went into education: In his view, media & education is basically the same. If you take the daily knowledge and digitalize it, you call it news. If you do the same thing with 2000 years of knowledge, you call it history course.
  • “Everything a chinese can do, I’m out”: e.g. steel, production etc.. but speaking and teaching portuguese, he’s in 😉

He’s a true whirlwind 😉 Looking forward to verify his statements with other business people!


And now, the one and only – Eike Batista!

After this fulminant start, we had the most senior meeting ouf our entire trip: Eike Batista!

He is the founder and owner of EBX, which literally means “Eike Batista X” – which stands for the ‘multiple’ in value he brings to the business 😉 His main investment areas are mining, oil and infrastructure, so he profits a lot from the current run in natural resources. Therefore, his net worth is constantly changing between 20-30bn USD, which makes him somewhere between No. 6-40 on the worlds rich list.

So how is he as a person.. well, don’t think about Warren Buffett, think more about Donald Trump 😉

In order to get a better picture, you have to check out this video about him – soooooo funny 😉 This video was actually shown to us before the meeting ;)!!

(click on “english” on the bottom left corner in order to get the right version) – thanks to N.Z. for finding it online!

So Eike is extremely self-assured, energetic and charismatic. Most of the meeting he talked about his future mega projects, for example a mega port next to Rio or the new pre-salt oil reserves. He’s a very good salesperson and an absolut visionary :)!

Key takeaways:

  • “Most people don’t dare!”: About what makes him so successful..
  • About the government: He tries to keep his companies private so that the government has less influence on him. Furthermore, he’s in the lucky position that his and Dilma’s goals align. He’s crucial for her economic vision of Brazil. However, he also needs her approval, so of course he speaks very highly of her 😉
  • About BNDES: “BNDES employs more money than the Worldbank. It’s a great source of cheap money *biiiiig smile*! And they love great projects *even biiiigger smile*!” 😉
  • High margin projects: He usually look for high margin industries (such as mining and gold), so that he can make more money, even if the infrastructure and the employees are inefficient.
  • About Brazil’s dependency on exports: In his view, this is a myth. Apparently, exports only account for 10% of Brazil’s GDP. So his not concerned at all about this point.
  • Partnerships: He usually tries to build partnerships with international companies such as GE in order to bring expertise to his projects. However, he didn’t answer the question how he usually handles the division of power between him and the international stakeholders.
  • Advice for entrepreneurs: Dicipline, double-checking, thinking 360°, listen to advice, have courage, tackle the impossible

He was definitely one of the most interesting speakers on this trip! However, our team was divided between people who loved him and people who hated him. Some thought he’s an incredible visionary and role model. Others thought he’s too full of himself and basically a big gambler..

Or as another CEO later that week said:

“Eike Batista made more money with Powerpoint than Microsoft.”


After the meeting we went straight to the airport to catch our flight to Sao Paulo :)!!!

So bye bye Rio..

… and hello Sao Paulo 🙂

The city is just huge!! It looks like a large carpet of houses… What a difference to Rio ;)!

So let’s see how the second part of our trip will be!

(And don’t worry, Sao Paulo is actually quite pretty ;))