Brazil – here I come!
Monday, December 10th, 2012Hello to my third travel blog I’m currently traveling in Brazil to learn more about its economy and culture.
Why Brazil..
As part of my graduation requirement at Stanford, I have to fulfil a Global Experience Requirement (GER). Usually, people do this by participating in a Global Study Trip where you travel to a foreign country to speak with CEOs, politicians, journalists and people from NGOs about a particular topic.
After traveling in Europe, Asia and Africa, I wanted to see another continent – Latin America. So I applied for Brazil and luckily got my first choice
The trip theme is “is Brazil ready for the world stage?” In recent years, Brazil got a lot of attention as one of the BRIC countries – with high growth rates and a large domestic market. And the soccer World Cup and Olympics will give Brazil another opportunity to present itself to the world.
But at the same time Brazil suffers from horrible infrastructure, a corrupt government, an inefficient economy, a lack of well educated employees and regional and social inequalities. Therefore, the question remains if Brazil will become the economic powerhouse it aspires to be.
After the trip..
As always, just sitting there in my suit has never been my thing. Therefore I will skip Christmas this year and stay down here a little bit longer. I’m planning to explore the region between Rio and Belo Horizonte before flying back to San Francisco after New Year’s Eve.
I’m really looking forward to being on the road again :)! Traveling to remote places has always been my passion and although this region is well explored, the Portuguese language will still be a challenge.
Speaking of language.. because I’m not a native English speaker this blog will probably contain a couple of typing errors. Please take it with Brazilian openness and humor
See you in Brazil :)!