Where to find Cool
So okay. Palermo is rumored to be one of the coolest neighborhoods in Buenos Aires. And okay, the rumors are ture. Its basically THE best. Its got the hottest shopping, coolest bars, restaurants and is where all the beautiful people hang out. You may know the terms Palermo Soho and Palermo Hollywood, but we stumbled up on this map of every corner of Palermo possible! Its the map to cooldom if I’ve ever seen one.
Fun tid bit: Palermo Hollywood is named such because of all the Television and Radio Studios that are in the neighborhood. And on a personal note – because its uber Hollywood trendy. It oozes cool. Villa Freud was donned the name because so many psychoanalysts live in the neighborhood. And in case you were wondering, there are more psychoanalysts per capita in Buenos Aires than any other city worldwide. Those porteno personalities is requiring some major maintenance, no?
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