12 Hours of non-stop 100% Australian bands playing in one location on 3 stages. Done with standing room only venues or the band isn’t one you like? Head out for some carnival rides! This is the concept of the Come Together 2 Festival The 2 means it’s the second such event so far this year.
One Band I really liked
Another band
Eddie and I went on 3 rides and saw about a dozen bands I’m sure. Good times. Only problem was we chose a ride that flips you upside down and stuff as one of the first rides so we were both feeling the after effects for the rest of the night, preventing us from attempting any other crazy flippy or spinny rides.
The rollercoaster is the most painful one I’ve ever been on. The turns are jerky 90 degree angles so you get slammed into the side of the car. The ride was so painful it was funny! I think I’ve got bruised ribs…