Leduc Dragon Boat Festival

This past weekend was the first official race of my team’s season. The Leduc Dragon Boat Festival was held at Telford Lake. Saturday was a beautiful, +30C, cloudless and hot. Water was perfectly calm and easy to paddle in. We were racing 200 M lengths and our best finish time was 1:14.xx. We were in 3 races and got second or third in each one.

That afternoon and evening you could feel the weather turning. Dark clouds approaching and wicked wind. The big lighting storm brought hail and pounding rain. (See an article on the severe weather from the Sun and CTV.ca and photos from the Edmonton Journal. Part of the CN Tower collapsed onto 2 parked cars! Trees snapped in half or totally uprooted.

Sunday’s weather was much colder. Cloud cover and high winds kept the racing times slower than the day before and caused some grief as we had to paddle against the wind. Charlene came out and took some great pictures that day for me! Yay, thanks Charlene!

Found out that we placed Second in the Festival! wooHoo!
