Yesterday was crazy cold! Just like it was in the good old days when I was little.
-30C with wicked winds that make it feel like -43C and exposed skin freezes in under 5 seconds.
Yup! This is what I woke up to yesterday and it will be like that all week according to the weather gurus.
Yesterday afternoon I was at Adam’s house and opened his porch door and held the metal handle for less than 10 seconds before I jerked away in pain. Let me tell ya, it felt like burning yourself on a hot stove except it was freezing cold! My hand is injured!!! Not really but it hurt for 10 minutes after I’m sure.
Today, a car was stuck in the snow drift that took over the central part of our parking lot. It had to be pushed out by 3 guys and Justin spent a long time trying to shovel a pathway around it because it would take too much to move it all. I took the back entrance to work and got stuck in a giant drift that was over 3/4th of the driveway. Dad had to use his vehicle to push mine out, bumper to bumper.
I know I’ve said that winter is not the same as when I was young anymore but I didn’t necessarily mean I wanted this… You know, a little more snow, a little bit cold but NO WIND. Hear me Nature? NO WIND!