
So the past couple of weeks were busy with the start of my DanceMoves class (2x/wk) and a couple of Stampin’ Up thingys.
I think I like DanceMoves so far although I didn’t realize how unco-ordinated I was! I can not get my upper body to coordinate with my lower body. It’s quite funny to watch me I’m sure. At least I’m not the only uncoordinated one, Shauna is too. We’re both standing at the back of the class so no one can watch!

At some point I was going a bit overboard with my gestures and movements because I was just not getting it right and lo and behold, it made the steps easier.

I also want to say that hip movements are foreign to north americans. Popping your hip out to the side like you’re hitting a drum does something weird to my body. I feel like my leg sorta pops out of it’s rightful place and I can’t describe it more accurately but it doesn’t hurt or anything.

the only painful thing is listening to the Britney Spears song that the dance is timed with. ugh! At least we are moving on to a new dance and new song this week (only having one week with the other one) and will not be hearing Britney over and over for an hour!
