Wow, it’s been awhile since I wrote on here! It was a busy week. The cat’s away so of course the mice are playing. Worked really hard the last days leading up to Christmas break here. Mainly damage control/maintaining the ship until the leaders are back again. Didn’t do much in the way of taking care of my customers. I had my trusty mentor for that.
Speaking of cats, I’m house sitting for a friend. Her cats are fun to watch and I like getting them catnip for Christmas and watching them get high.
Somehow I got very busy although I wasn’t shopping for many Christmas presents for people I ended up buying a lot. I think I got in that shopping mood after a couple of short trips. The real plan is to prepare a list of items to purchase instead of just going to see what grabs you.
Gingerbread house making was EXCELLENT this year, as always. This year’s turnout was huge! About 13 people all showed up with lots of brilliant ideas for their buildings. Special tools included a dremel courtesy of Paul, and Sara and Charlene even brought their own walls made out of Rice Krispie squares. Buildings included an igloo made completely out of marshmallows, trojan bunny scene, a nightclub, tropical house, the pentagon, robot building and a tower. Pics are on facebook. Last 2 mentioned buildings shown here:
I went for Christmas dinner with Team Chiang’s family on the 24th. And they invited Ian and I to Brekkie on Christmas Morn. Doug and Auntie Amy are very good cooks! Thanks for everything!
Merry Christmas readers!