Searching for adventurous and interesting things to do while I’m down under is a large time sink!
Sledging, also known as riverboarding (I think) is something I’m thinking of doing when I visit New Zeland. I might as well, I’m in that area of the world anyways, right? Fiji and and Kiwi! ha!
I saw sledging on the Amazing Race, and Ian did it on Globe Trekker – Norway. Basically, you put on a helmet, knee pads, fins, and a life-vest and then hold onto an armored kick-board and toss yourself down rapids head first. Sounds like fun, right?
Zorbing was something I also saw on the same episode and is basically a person inside a giant gerbal ball, rolling down a hill or off a cliff or whatever.
Now I need to find cool things to do in Australia other than learn to surf!