The past few days were crazy weather wise. Heavy thunderstorms, hail and lightning. Last night was more of the same. The hail was not quite as big as golf balls but Ian thought the wall to his room was gonna come crashing down. Earlier this week 5 people were hospitalized and 2 died (one unborn baby) from lightning strike injuries.
Bad week for Adam. He stripped the old shingles off one side of the house and it’s rained heavily every night since! He’s got a bit of damage to the inside of the house from it. I hope it’s not to bad to fix.
Summer should be hot, dry and mild showers in the evening. The occassional heavy shower is not unexpected, but not every night! Today is the summer solstice so officially it’s summer but it’s not acting like it. Let’s smarten up nature!
What is it going to be like in the next few days? MORE rain and lightning.