What do you guys think about Ringo.com?
I’ve gotten a few people asking me to sign up and share my photos with them. I just forward my blog but I can’t see their photos if I don’t sign up.
I’m always weary of signing up to things that ask for my email addy but I think since my personal account is now getting about 25 spams/day (it was about 7/day before I got back to Edmonton!) it doesn’t matter anymore…
Actually, I’ve tried to tell people not to forward junk mail using the To: line but if they wanted to forward crap to me to use the Bcc: line but it doesn’t work.
I’ve even told some friends to stop forwarding me completely because they can’t remember to put me in the Bcc: line but they still do… Hey, I do admit I forward some things on occasion but I try to make sure that it’s in the Bcc: line so that anyone else they forward it to will not get everyone’s addy.
There’s no hope that any email addy of mine will be free of spam. Do any of you have emails free of any spam? Is there anything that can be done short of getting a new email addy and not handing it out to certain people?