The return to Street Hockey Thursdays

Tonight was a blast! Having been away from my street hockey Thursdays for about 11 months has shown me how out of shape I am! Last week was officially my first Thursday back, my lower back and thighs were sore for about 5 days afterwards! All fixed up for the time when we go out and do it again! There’s not usually enough people to play lengthwise on the community skating rink but there was enough this time. Means way more running!! (This is why I don’t play soccer. I’d be collapsed on the ground within minutes)

For some reason I thought it’d be cold out tonight so I wore a long sleeve shirt and sweatpants. Silly me, it was 27C!!! Too late to change though, it’s a 15 mintue drive to the rink.

Managed to twist the ole ankle and lost the game for the team while in goal. Many things accomplished in my return! I’m good.
