We went to the Barossa Valley and visited only the one Yalumba Winery. Eveline had a connection there but we didn’t realize he couldn’t give us a tour on Saturday… We did a walking tour of 4 other wineries but didn’t go inside them. On the way back to the car we walked through one of the vinyards and I sampled some of the grapes to see what they were like. They were quite sweet even though they were small grapes. The pits were large for the size of the fruit but I would eat them. Eveline and Alv thought they would be quite sour having heard that some of the wine making grapes tasted very bad.
We are going to try and make contact with the Yalumba guys again and try and book a tour for tuesday…
Barossa Valley
by Bertha on 20. Mar, 2006 in Australia 2005, Pictures
Tags: Australia 2005, Pictures