
Very lovely little suburb on the north shore of Auckland. I did a historical walking tour and included my own stops at the old Naval base and the extinct volcano, Mt. Victoria. Both provided excellent views of Auckland. There was a school group or something at the naval base playing some kind of game in the hidden trenches and tunnels of the naval armoury so I got to wander around in the tunnels. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the forsight to bring some kind of illuminating device with me on this trip because *some* people were thinking that a headlamp would be stupid idea so I ended up not bringing anything. My mobile phone is an old Nokia so it does not have a camera feature and the viewscreen is not bright enough to work as a light.

For some reason, the top of Mt Victoria has a whole schwack load of metal toadstools arranged in a grid pattern. Maybe it’s art. A real life magic mushroom from the SuperMario game…(I don’t know how to reference Michael’s page regarding this link so I just linked it directly.)

Also, I bought some NZ boutique chocolate. mmm… chocolate…I bought the sugar free kind just to relieve my guilt of having dessert every day for the past 4 nights!

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