Here are my awesome pictures of surfing. Dig it!
I met a really nice Montreal girl named May on the surf trip and we have spent the next 2 nights hanging out and stuff. She is at the end of her journey and is headed home soon. There is a pic of her in the extended text.
My surfing classIgor is the instructor crouching on the left and Dan is the instructor standing on the right.
I am the only one wearing a full body, winter suit because they gave all the other XS suits out to the kids class and other small people in my group. I didn’t mind. It wasn’t like I was extra hot in the water or anything.
We had 2 instructors and 10 people in our class. Igor, the one instructor, tried to give us a lesson on the beach (with outlines of surfboards in the sand) to practice our moves but with the wind we were kicking the sand up in each others faces so in the end we did them on our actual boards. Then it was straight into the water!
There is a HUGE amount of effort required to get the surfboard out into the ocean. Thank goodness we were only going about waist deep so that our instructor could help to catch the waves. All the information you get on land kinda goes out of your head on the first run and you forget what you need to do. That’s why I stood up on the second time. I manged to remember what I needed to do and the result is the picture you see on the blog.
You can’t get ocean water taste out of your mouth very easily. Even after we took a 15 minute break and ate some oranges and had some water, I could still taste the ocean in my mouth. But the good thing about the ocean water is that all the snot you create from the workout gets washed away with every wave and noone but you knows!
Getting back into the water after the break was quite hard! I was so tired but as May said, we only had 30 more minutes of time left and we could rest later! By the end of the 30 minutes, the tough part wasn’t getting deeper into the water, it was having the engergy to stand up after getting on the board. A couple of times I flopped like a giant fish onto the board and rode in a boogie boarder.