Canberra Picture

This is us on the roof of the Parliment building. You should have seen the look of the security guard’s face when we asked her to wait until we posed properly. I hope to get the egyptian pose and the Charlie’s angel’s pose from the other girls sometime.
That morning Mike tried to join us on our day trip but found out that the bus was full. He woke up for nothing and I laughed hahahaha!
On our trip out about half an hour in we almost got into an accident with an airport shuttle bus turrning right into our lane. since we were sitting in the first couple rows, we saw the whole thing.
Was a beautiful hot day at least 25C. We did the recommended Lonely Planet walking tour but we half walked it and half bussed it because of the heat. We also found out when we got there, there was Flouriade, a flower festival going on. It remeds me a lot of Heritage days except with flowers instead of food. Outdoor grassy park, little tents set up everywhere, etc.
Canberra is a planned city so there is a lot of greenspace. It’s quite beautiful and Ursula said it reminded her of Washington DC.
The parliment buildingi s beautiful. there is greenspace up on the roof where you can see the entire city. It looks like Canberra is in a valley or plateau surrounded by “mountains” or hills.
The war memorial was also very large. We didn’t manage to spend much time there since we got there about half hour before it closed (we didn’t see the WW1 or WW2 collections) but it was very impressive and moving nonetheless.
the bus ride home had A Shark’s Tale playing but I slept about 2 out of the 3.5 hrs it takes to get home.

ps. thanks for commenting! yay!

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