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Copan ruins

December 29th, 2005

An early start would mean that we made it to the ruins before the crowds – and before the sun got too much. So we were up for breakfast for just after 7am.
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Guat City to Copan

December 28th, 2005

We stocked up at breakfast then got a taxi to Calle 19 in the lowlife district of Zona 1 where the buses left from. We knew that this was going to be a hectic place, rife with pick pockets and folks ready to whip away bags the minute you took your attention away. The taxi driver even indicated that we should keep an eye on our bags by pointing at the bowels of the bus where the bags were heading for and then pointing at his eye with a grim look on his face.
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Flores to Guatemala City

December 27th, 2005

We aimed for our final day in Flores to be fairly chilled out. We just needed to sort out some transport from Guat City to Copan in Honduras if possible. Eug had sent off various emails to different companies the day before but we’d only had one response from ‘Ariel’ [whiter than white?] who was quoting around US$150 – daylight robbery.
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The ruins of Tikal

December 26th, 2005

Skyscrapers aren’t new. The Mayans were building them years before the glass and steel variety of today, and with far less technology to help them reach for the sky. What’s more, there’s no chance that contemporary slithers of glass, concrete and steel will be standing nearly two Millennia after they’ve been built, unlike the unsurpassable ruins of Tikal, deep in the jungle of Northern Guatemala. And for you Star Wars fans out there….does this look familiar?
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Flores on Christmas Day

December 25th, 2005

Christmas Day – what a great excuse to finally have a lie in and read some more of the books! We opened the curtains to find the whole place covered in mist. We wondered if it was all the smoke remaining from the excess of fireworks and firecrackers being set off the night before! It didn´t take long to clear though.
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Mexico to Guatemala – by land and river

December 24th, 2005

Staring down at the Rio Usumacinta swirling and eddying it’s way northeastwards into the plains of Mexico, my stomach began to mimick the thick brown water gushing its way between the land borders of Mexico and Guatemala. We’d known that to get back into Guatemala this way involved a river boat ride between the two countries, but spying the ramshackle wooden boats and staring into this torrent of dark brown gunge sweeping down in front of us made us begin to think that maybe this hadn’t been the best of ideas!
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Nights out in Palenque

December 23rd, 2005

Palenque ain`t that big although it always seemed rather busy. A quick swizz at the well-thumbed Lonely Planet took us to a cafe in town – can´t remember the name now.
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December 23rd, 2005

Thought we´d slip this entry in for our mate Victor who has a particular interest in bandits.
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The ruins of Palenque

December 23rd, 2005

Apart from exploring Central America by ourselves and generally relaxing (yes, believe it or not), one of the key reasons for coming here was to carry on our love affair with ancient civilisations. Em might disagree here and say it was my love affair and that I’m an ancient civilisation……
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Camping at the Casa Inn

December 23rd, 2005

We`d tried to be fairly organised before we came away this time by booking much of our accomodation – that goodness for t´ínternet. Palenque was one place we hadn´t booked but after a quick search online the day before we arrived, we decided that we´d try the Casa Inn so we got the bus to drop us off there.
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