Return to Paradise
Despite my good intentions to leave Cape Town in daylight on Saturday, we were having just way too much fun, so it was 5:00 p.m. before I was on the road to Gecko Creek. The N7 is all very good highway except that it is undergoing major construction to accommodate the water project that will see the height of the dam raised and consequently flood a large area of land. Nevertheless I reached the Algeria road and turned off to make my way to Gecko Creek. Easier said than done in the dark and you don’t really know what dark is until you have been here in the dark. There is absolutely no refracted light here so when it is dark it is dark. Even the brilliant display of stars affords you no help.
I was feeling rather annoyed with myself as returning to Gecko in the dark had robbed me of that sense of wonder and familiarity that I always have when I return here. Making my way up the winding road through the first gate, I remembered last year when I came and realized how I was missing being able to look across the rolling hills on my way up the drive. But beyond the second gate, South Africa had a special treat for me.
Ahead of me in the headlights I saw the bushy tail of an Aardwolf. These hyena like animals are rather elusive and I considered myself lucky last year when I caught a fleeting glimpse of one in my headlights. But that was nothing compared to this fellow. When my headlights fell on him, instead of running away, he turned round to stare at me. I stopped the car of course thinking that momentarily he would dash off into the underbrush. Instead, he very slowly walked right up to the front of the car, popping his head up and down as though he was not quite sure what to make of me. Then, he passed right down the side of the car but unfortunately it was on the passenger side rather than my side or I would have had a really good look at him. Still it was very cool!!! Apparently there is a den of them just past the second gate so finding it will definitely be on my to do list. Once again, South Africa has held a little treat for me just when I think I have milked everything I can out of a day.
I was surprised to see four cars in the parking lot as this is the winter and therefore the off-season here but when I got to camp there were half a dozen other guests besides myself and then of course there was John. It was a happy reunion as I greeted my old friend who runs the camp while Linton is away and again the time fell away as we caught up on the past year.
There are quite a few changes at Gecko since I was last here. The lappa is now enclosed with roll down canvas sides which makes a huge difference. It is lovely to sit inside on cool evenings or when the weather is bad (although it has been splendid since I got here) and look out through the large plastic windows. Well done Linton. Very good choice and it looks fantastic too.
There are more tents and a large gathering tent which is used for groups and meetings. I suppose it is good for business that more people are here but I like it best when the camp is empty. Right now I am here by myself. All of the guests are out on adventures and John has gone into Clanwilliam leaving me to man the phones. I am sitting in the lappa with the late afternoon sun streaming in, quite comfortable wearing a T-shirt and jeans. The birds are fighting at the feeders to my right, I just chased the Gerbils out of my bread bag that I had left on the counter, and Hoka the wolf is lying lazily on my left. Leopard Rock is just beginning to become a silhouette in front of the yellows and oranges of the setting sun and there is absolutely no more peaceful spot on earth.
I have indeed returned to paradise!
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