Plaza centered
Plazas are the best way to start off your tourist vacations. Most times, the main Plaza is the city center, usually combining office buildings, governmental offices, and churches or other places of worship with an historical atmosphere. Plaza’s litter the South American cityscape. Historically, most Plazas were built to house military meetings and the city was built around this area. They may have started from old market centers and gradually morphed into artistic hubs and meeting locations. For example, the Plaza de Mayo en Buenos Aires, Argentina was used during the Dirty War by mothers of the desaparacidos (or missing chidren) as a standing ground to protest human rights violations and violence. Plaza 25 de Mayo in Bolivia is a gorgeous place to sit and spend the day, or decide where to go with your day. Wherever you are, the Plaza is a good place to start of your journey. Catch some historical action, artwork, or just check out the governemental block of your country.
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