03. May, 2007

In Transit: Pt 1

In the end, it was my body that told me it was time to leave Indochina. I woke up fine, relaxed, happy, so maybe it was the water I used to brush my teeth (though I had used tap water for over a month), or maybe it was breakfast (though it was only toast and black coffee).

I like to think it was a sign that I needed a change of pace. I checked my email and discovered I had scored a seat on a flight to London via Bangkok leaving at lunchtime, and after confirming the details, ran back to my hotel to throw up, and then pack.

My time in Indochina was so amazing, each day was an adventure, each country had it’s own unique endearing qualities, and I loved every minute. I was looking forward to the next part of my journey, but it would be almost a full 24 hours before I would arrive in London.

I was in transit.
