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Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007



In addition to my standard resume found below, my Baha’i resume is also found here, as is a list of subjects I taught while lecturing in post-secondary schools and colleges. Once used to apply for jobs from the early sixties to the early years of the new millennium, this evolving document is now an archive that I update occasionally for internet use in these first years of my late adulthood, 2005-2007.


A. My Ascribed Roles: grandson, son, nephew, cousin, father, step-father, uncle, step-grandfather, step-father, husband, male.

B. My Achieved Roles: writer, poet, essayist, author, journalist, teacher, lecturer, student and many others found in section 4 below at different times since beginning my employment life in 1961.__________________________________________________________________

1.1 Academic Qualifications

* Bachelor of Arts(Sociology)

McMaster University

Hamilton Ontario Canada 1966

*B. Ed.(Primary School Training)

Windsor Teachers’ College

Windsor Ontario Canada 1967

* MA(Qualifying Thesis)

University of Queensland

St Lucia Queensland

Australia 1988

1.2 Professional Qualifications

* Post Graduate Diploma in Education

Windsor University

Windsor Ontario Canada 1967

* Certificate of Integrated Studies

Education Department of Ontario

Toronto Ontario Canada 1970

1.3 Further Studies(Qualifications Incomplete)* Advanced Dipoma in Education

* Advanced Diploma in Education

University of Adelaide

Adelaide South Australia 1973

-comparative education unit

* Master of Educational Administration

University of New England

Armadale NSW 1975 to 1978

-comparative education, organization theory and practice, educational

administration, open education and history of education units

* Diploma in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations

Tasmanian College of Advanced Education

Launceston Tasmania 1980

-organizational behaviour-3 units

* Graduate Diploma in Multicultural Education

Armadale College of Advanced Education

Armadale NSW 1983

-language and society unit; presented paper at residential school.

* Graduate Diploma in Religious Education

South Australian College of Advanced Education

Adelaide South Australia 1984 to 1986

-Religious symbols and symbolism, sociology of education, the Bible

as literature, moral education, Islam and principles of religious education units.

1.4 Transcripts and Grades

* Transcripts are available on request, originals or copies.

* A summary of my academic record would read:

Matriculation(B), BA(C), Dip.Ed.(B), Post-Graduate Studies(2 distinctions, 5 credits, 1 pass(B) and 10 pass(C) grades.

1.5 Teaching Qualifications and Registrations

* Teaching Certificate(Primary) Windsor Teachers’ College 1967.

* Registered with the Primary, Secondary and Technical Teachers

Registration Boards of Victoria in the mid and late 1970s, resp.

* Granted permanency with DEVET (now Dept of Training and Employment) in Western Australia in June 1992.

1.6 Professional Memberships and Eligibility

* Secondary School Teachers Union of Western Australia: 1987 to 1999.* Secondary School Teachers Union of Western Australia: 1987 to 1999.Branch secretary for four of those years at Hedland College and the Thornlie Campus of the Southeast Metropolitan College of Tafe

* Australian Association of Educational Administration: 1975 to 1976

* Australian Institute of Welfare Workers(eligible)


2.1 Articles and Reviews: Journals/Websites

1.*Essays, Interviews and Articles on the Internet at:

1.1 The Baha’i Academic Resource Library: Bachelor of Arts(Sociology)1.1 The Baha’i Academic Resource Library has several hundred items posted there, 2002-2006; and at

1.2 An estimated 2000 other sites containing several million words, 2001-2006.

2. * “A History of the Baha’i Faith in the Northern Territory: 1947-1997,” Northern Lights, 32 Instalments, 2000-2003.

3. * Periodic Articles in “Newsletters,” Regional Teaching Committees of the NSA of the Baha’is of Australia Inc., 1971-2001.

4. * Periodic Articles/Letters, Baha’i Canada and The Australian Baha’i Bulletin now The Australian Baha’i: 1971-2006.

5. * “Memorials of the Faithful,” Baha’i Studies Review, September 2001.

6. * “Review of Two Chapbooks: The Poetry of Tony Lee,” Arts Dialogue, June 2001.

7. * “Asia and the Lost Poems: The Poetry of Anthony Lee,” Art ‘n Soul, a Website for Poets and Poetry, January 2000.

8. * “The Passionate Artist,” Australian Baha’i Studies, Vol.2, 2000.

9. * “Memorials of the Faithful,” Australian Baha’i Studies, Vol.1, No.2, 1999, p.102 and upligting, 2005-6.

10. * “Poetry of Ron Price: An Overview,” ABS Newsletter, No.38, September 1997.

11. * “Thomas a Kempis, Taherzadeh and the Day of Judgement,” Forum, Vol.3, No 1, 1994, pp.1-3.

12. * “Forward”, An Introduction to Occasions of Grace: Poems and Portrayals, Roger White, George Ronald, Oxford, 1993.

13. * “The Inner Life and the Environment”, a paper presented at Murdoch University at the Baha’i Studies Conference in April 1990 and published in The Environment: Our Common Heritage, Monograph No.5, 1994, pp.118-131.

14. * “The History of a Dream: A Tribute to Persistence”, Office of Tafe Publication in Western Australia, 1988, pp.5-6.

15. * “Response”, Dialogue, Vol.2, No.1, 1986, pp.3-4.

16. * “Homeward Bound”, Dialogue, Vol.1, No. 1, 1985, pp.37-38.

17. * “Happiness”, Herald of the South, Vol.11, 1985, pp.26-27.

18. * “Perspectives on Multiculturalism”, Residential School Papers: May to July 1983, Centre for Multicultural Studies, Armidale CAE, pp.24-28.

19. * “Who Plays the Music in Your Dreams?”, Dream International, 1983, Vol.1, No.3, p.31.

20. * “Consultative Decision Making”, Northern News, Darwin, December, 1983.

21. “The Baha’i Faith: A Series of 4 Articles,” Student Magazine, Ballarat College of Advanced Education, 1977-78.

  1. “The Baha’i Faith: 4 Articles,” Tasmanian CAE Publication, Launceston, 1974.

2.2. Articles and Reviews: Newspapers

150 articles of about 800 words each have appeared in the following newspapers and magazines in 1983-1986.

Katherine Advertiser…..150,000 words

Katherine Times…………2000 words

Barkley Regional………..300 words

Launceston Examiner….300 words

The Tasmanian…………. 300 words

The Northern News …….300 words

Cosmos………………………500 words

Zirius…………………………500 words

Ballarat CAE………………2500 words(5 articles)

Newspapers on the Internet…20000 words

In 2005 I began posting items at online newspapers and now have postings at:

2.3 Online Newspapers and Journals

The New York Times

The New York Times


International Viewpoint2.8.3 Essays Complete: Unpublished:Career Journal

The Canadian Poetry Association

World Chronicle

Contemporary Literature

European History

Medieval History

Writers in Touch

Arkansas Poets Society

Dream Journal

2.4 Online Journals

Approximately1000 online sites.

2.5 Poetry

Poetry published in the following publications:

1. Artgender

2. The Southern Gazette

3. Herald of the South

4. Katherine Advertiser

5. four W No.6: Selected Works-Charles Sturt University

6. The Southern Gazette

7. Australian Baha’i Bulletin

8. The Liquid Mirror

9. Baha’i Canada

10. ABS Newsletter

11. Australian Baha’i Studies Journal

12. World Order: Anthology

An estimated forty magazines on the Internet

–See my website at: ‘Endgame’ after hyperlink 42 for a short list; andAn additional, more comprehensive, list of poetry sites is available on request, if required.

2.6 Online Poetry SitesApproximately 400 sites.

2.7 Manuals

* 25 in-house training manuals in the management studies program for Hedland College and the Open College of Tafe in Katherine in the Northern Territory.(70 page average length of each manual: 1982-1986)

* 25 in-house training manuals in the management studies program for Hedland College and the Open College of Tafe in Katherine in the Northern Territory.(70 page average length of each manual: 1982-1986)25 in-house training manuals in the management studies program for Hedland College and the Open College of Tafe in Katherine in the Northern Territory.(70 page average length of each manual: 1982-1986)

25 in-house training manuals in the management studies program for Hedland College and the Open College of Tafe in Katherine in the Northern Territory.(70 page average length of each manual: 1982-1986)

* 60 study guides for the Perth Campus, CMC and the Thornlie Campus, SEMC in a wide range of General Studies/Human Service subjects.(40 page average length: 1988-1999)

* 6 manuals for classes at The School for Seniors in George Town: 1999-2005.

(see the list of subjects taught in Appendix B below)

2.8 Books, Essays and Letters 2.8.1 Books Complete: Published:

* The Emergence of a Baha’i Consciousness in World Literature: The Poetry of Roger White. This is a collection of essays written from 1988 to 2002: 80,000 words.

* Published by Juxta Publications, The Baha’i Academics Resource Library. Also available as an ebook at Hard copy in 1 volume available at

* Pioneering Over Four Epochs: An Autobiographical Study and a Study in Autobiography, 5th edition, BWCL, 2500 pages: 4 volumes in hard copy at being reviewed by NSA of the Baha’is of Australia, Inc.)

5th edition, BWCL, 2500 pages: 4 volumes in hard copy at being reviewed by NSA of the Baha’is of Australia, Inc.) Books Incomplete: Unpublished:

This is a collection of essays written from 1988 to 2002: 80,000 words.5th edition, BWCL, 2500 pages: 4 volumes in hard copy at being reviewed by NSA of the Baha’is of Australia, Inc.)

This is a collection of essays written from 1988 to 2002: 80,000 words.5th edition, BWCL, 2500 pages: 4 volumes in hard copy at being reviewed by NSA of the Baha’is of Australia, Inc.)

12 attempts at a novel in the years 1983 to 2005. Longest single attempt 30,000 words.

* 1979-2007–an autobiographical collection of over 200 essays.

2.8.4 Essays Complete: Published:* Essays 1977-2007: A collection of 300 essays, an estimated 200,000 words, by an international pioneer in Australia in the third, fourth and fifth epochs.

Essays 1977-2007: A collection of 300 essays, an estimated 200,000 words, by an international pioneer in Australia in the third, fourth and fifth epochs.

2.8.5 Letters Complete: Unpublished:

* 1960-2007. A collection of twenty-five volumes of letters to and from a pioneer in the Baha’i community, an estimated 5000 letters.

2.6 Booklets2.6.1 Complete: Unpublished:60 booklets of poetry: 100-120 poems per booklet, written from 1980 to 2007, over 6000 poems.

2.7 Websites

Several million words in several genres: essays, narrative, interviews, book reviews, poetry, letters, emails and a wide range of postings and responses to the writing of others are located at over 2000 websites on the Internet. See the 2nd edition of my website( the link ‘Endgame’, after site #42, for a list of many of these sites. A comprehensive list is available under separate cover at

2.8 Collections of My Poetry in Libraries:

1. Baha’i World Centre Library, Baha’i World Centre, PO Box 31 001, Haifa Israel: 5000 poems.

2. Canadian National Baha’i Centre Library, 7200 Leslie Street,Thornhill, Ontario, L#T 6L8 Canada, 300 poems.

3. Australian National Baha’i Centre Library, Sydney, Australia, 300 poems.

4. Regional Baha’i Council of Tasmania, PO Box 1126, GPO Hobart, Tasmania, 7001, Baha’i State Library of Tasmania, Hobart, 300 poems.

5. Baha’i Centre of Learning Library, C/-LSA of the Baha’is of Melville, PO Box 628, Applecross,Western Australia, 6153, 200 poems.

6. Local Spiritual Assembly Library of the Baha’is of Burlington, Ontario, Canada, 300 poems.

7. International Pioneer Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Canada, 7200 Leslie Street, Thornhill, Ontario, L3T 6L8, Canada, 120 poems.

8. Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Brighton, PO Box 553, Brighton, South Australia, 5048, State Baha’i Centre Library, Brighton, S.A., 120 poems.

9. Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Canberra, 18 Hichey Court, ACT, 2611, Baha’i Centre Library, 120 poems.

10. Baha’i Council of the Northern Territory, PO Box 2055, Humpty Doo, NT, 0836, 100 poems

11. Baha’i Council of Victoria, Knoxfield, Victoria, 3182, 100 poems.

12. LSAs of Belmont, Launceston, Ballarat, Darwin: hold ‘some of my poetry’ in their archives, 100 poems.

13. The Afnan Library, c/-George Ronald Publishers, 24 Gardiner Close,

Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 3YA, England has a CD of some 200,000 words.

LSA of the Baha’is of Toronto Ontario, 288 Bloor Street West, Toronto Ontario, M5S 1V8, Canada, 100 poems.

The Baha’i Community of Iqaluit, Iqaluit, NWT, Canada, 100 poems.The Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Hamilton, PO Box 57009, Jackson Station, Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 4W9, 300 poems.

Booklets of poetry to other communities and institutions are also planned into the future.2.9 Books in Traditional and Cyberspace Libraries:1. The Emergence of a Baha’i Consciousness in World Literature: The Poetry of Roger White, in the Afnan Library, a ‘deposit library’ Administered by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United Kingdom, April 2003.

2. The same book is in the ‘Baha’i Academics Resource Library’. See; and at Juxta Publications. See 3. I have been given approval to publish this book by the National Literature Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Canada and Juxta Publications has put it on their site at:

4. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: An Autobiographical Study and a Study in Autobiography, BWCL, 2004; hard cover in 4 volumes(not available yet).

2.10 Essays in Libraries:1.The Baha’i World Centre Library, 50 essays-1994.

1.The Baha’i World Centre Library, 50 essays-1994.

2. Various internet ‘libraries.’

2.11 Radio Programs and Interviews:

2.11.1 Interviews: Interviewed on eight occasions in eight cities and towns in Australia from 1974 to 1995 on the subjects of (i) education or (ii) the Baha’i Faith. Each interview 15 to 25 minutes.

Interviewed on eight occasions in eight cities and towns in Australia from 1974 to 1995 on the subjects of (i) education or (ii) the Baha’i Faith. Each interview 15 to 25 minutes.

2.11.2 Programs: Presented 150 half hour programs on City Park Radio in Launceston for the Launceston Baha’i Community: 2000-2005.

Presented 150 half hour programs on City Park Radio in Launceston for the Launceston Baha’i Community: 2000-2005.


3.1 Pre-Apprentice, Apprentice, EPUY, PEP and Youth Training Programs(15 to 25 year old students):

* Wide range of programs in these areas beginning in 1982:

Wide range of programs in these areas beginning in 1982:

Wide range of programs in these areas beginning in 1982:

-Open College of Tafe in Katherine 1982-1986

-Hedland College 1986-1987

-Perth Campus/Balga Campus 1988

-Thornlie Campus 1989-1999

3.2 Other Post-Secondary Institutions: Full/Part/Time/Volunteer(F/P/T)

*George Town School for Seniors Inc 1999-2005(Volunteer)

Charles Sturt University 1995(July to October)(F/T)

* Tasmanian CAE 1974 and 1979(F/T)

* Ballarat CAE 1976-1978(F/T)

* Deakin University 1977(external studies lecturer)(P/T)

* Whitehorse Technical College 1975(F/T)

* University of Tasmania 1974(external studies lecturer)(P/T)

3.3 Courses Taught

During the years 1980-1981 I did not teach. Of the thirty-one years, 1974-2005, I taught full-time for 22 and as a part-time tutor for 7. I taught in the post-secondary institutions listed above; I taught some ninety differently named units of study in the humanities and social sciences. The list is too long to sight here; I have included it in appendix B below. The list includes the following general categories:

* communication studies

* social sciences

* welfare studies/human services

* education studies

* matriculation studies

* public relations/media studies

* creative and business writing

* special education programs for

* (a) indigenous people and (b) seniors

(See Appendix B below for list of subjects taught)

3.4 Primary and Secondary School Teaching Experience:

A. Primary:

1. Sir Martin Frobisher School, Frobisher Bay, NWT, Canada,1967/8.

2. Cherry Valley Primary School, Cherry Valley, Ontario, 1969/70.

3. Picton Primary School, Picton, Ontario, Canada, 1970/1.

4. Whyalla Primary School, Whyalla, South Australia, 1971/2.

B. Secondary:

1. Eyre High School, Whyalla, South Australia, 1972/3.

2. Para Hills Secondary School, Para Hills, South Australia, 1973/4

3. Oakwood Education Trust, Launceston Campus, 2001.


(non-teaching experience)

A. Summer and/or Short Term Jobs: (each 5 months maximum)

* Kitchen-Assistant, A&W Root Beer Co., Aldershot, Ontario, 1960.

* Packer, Shell Oil Company, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1961.* Driver-Assistant, Dundas Slot-Machine Company, Dundas, Ontario, Canada, 1962.

Driver-Assistant, Dundas Slot-Machine Company, Dundas, Ontario, Canada, 1962.

* Data Processing/Storeman & Packer, Firestone Tire and Rubber Corporation, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1963

Data Processing/Storeman & Packer, Firestone Tire and Rubber Corporation, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1963

Data Processing/Storeman & Packer, Firestone Tire and Rubber Corporation, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1963

* Cash-Register Clearance, T. Eaton Company of Canada, 1964

* Repairman/Assistant, Bell Telephone Co of Canada Ltd., Hamilton, Ontario, 1964

* Abstractor, Canadian Peace Research Institute, Dundas, Ontario, Canada, 1965

* Electrician’s Assistant, Stelco of Canada, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1965

* Driver/Salesman, Good Humour Company, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1966

* Clerk, Motor Vehicle License Branch, Dept of Transport, Brantford, Ontario, 1967* Systems Analyst, Bad Boy Company, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1968

Systems Analyst, Bad Boy Company, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1968

* Security Work, International Security, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1968

* Youth Worker, Resource Centre Association Inc., Launceston, Tasmania, 1979

* Journalist, ABC Radio, Launceston, Tasmania, 1979

* Editor, External Studies Unit, Tasmanian C.A.E., Launceston, Tasmania, 1979

B. Full Time Jobs:(each 2 to 4 years)

* Maintenance Scheduler, Renison Goldfields P/L, Zeehan, Tasmania, 1981-1982

* Adult Educator, Tafe, Katherine, Northern Territory, 1982-1986

* Public Relations Officer, Hedland College, South Hedland, WA, 1986-1987

C. Casual-Recent-Volunteer Work:(1997-2004)

* Research Assistant, Recreation Network Inc(disability services) Subiaco, WA, 1997

* Presenter of Programs, City Park Radio, Launceston, 2000-2003.

* Tutor/President, George Town School for Seniors, Inc., George Town, Tasmania, 1999-2005.

5. 1 PERSONAL INTERESTS* Writing: see section 2 above for details: 1962-2006

* Writing: see section 2 above for details: 1962-2006

* Reading and music : 1962-2006(statement available if desired)

* The social sciences and humanities: have more than 300 files/notebooks/resource manuals, some 20 million words, collected over 45 years(1961-2006).


* Member of a singing group in George Town, 2001-2005.

* Public Speaking Assessor, Rostrum, Katherine, NT : 1984/6

* Member of the Lions Club, Zeehan Tasmania : 1981/2

* Member of fitness centres in Melbourne(1975-6), Ballarat(1977-78),

Perth(1989-99) and Launceston(1999-2003)

* Member of baseball and hockey teams in Burlington: 1953/4-1962

* Member of the Baha’i Faith : 1959-2006

(see Baha’i resume below for details)

* I was a member of many groups during the fifty year period 1955-2005. I was associated with or worked as a volunteer in: (a) The George Town School for Seniors, (b) City Park Radio in Launceston and (c) several other clubs and associations like (I) Cubs, (II) Formal discussion groups in educational institutions as a student and (III) unnumbered Groups as a teacher.


6.1  If required, I will supply transcripts, references and testimonials in relation to many of the above positions as well as references for my recent time in Tasmania, 1999-2005, where my work has been as a volunteer. I have not required any of these documents in the last decade, since 1996.

6.2 Samples of my writing are also available, if requested. I have a portfolio of my writing work in many forms, genres and layouts as suited to the needs of the groups and individuals making the requests.

6.3 In July 1999 I ceased full-time employment as a lecturer-teacher. May 2001 I went onto an Australian Disability Pension and I no longer applied for full-time jobs. Three years ago, in late 2003, I applied for my last part-time job. In May 2005 my work in volunteer organizations also ceased with the exception of work done within the Baha’i community. Now at the age of 62 I devote myself full-time to writing.


* a bio-data sheet can be found below in Appendix A.

* a covering letter may be included if relevant

* a list of subjects taught can be found in Appendix B.

Ron Price George Town


19/8/’06 to 12/5/’13._________________________________________________




GIVEN NAMES Ronald Frederick

ADDRESS 6 Reece Street George Town Tasmania Australia 7253






TELEPHONE (03) 63824790

POSITIONS APPLIED FOR: I applied for some five thousand jobs during the 50 years: 1955-2005. During two of those years I was ill and/or hospitalized and could not work: 5000 job applications in 50 years is an average of two every week for 50 years–from my last year of childhood to my 60th year.


Manic-depression/bi-polar disorder: treated

–separate statement available if desired

AGE 69

REFEREES Have not used drawn on any referees in the last decade,

2004-2013. Can provide names, if required.(F/T,P/T & Volunteer Work)


I have been a member of the Baha’i Faith for forty-seven years:



LITERACY Yes Windows 95; Word 97

Yes Windows 95; Word 97



Digitalphoto available on electronic transfer, if desired.





The list below outlines the ‘subjects’ taught between 1974 and 2005: 29 years.

I did not teach in the years: 1980-1981.

  1. Hedland College: Acting Lecturer in Management Studies: 1986-1987
  2. Katherine Open College of Tafe: 1982-1986

    Interpersonal Skills A

    Interpersonal Skills B

    Performance Appraisal

    Negotiating Skills A

    Negotiating Skills B

    Conflict Resolution A

    Conflict Resolution B

    Introduction to Management

    Club Management

    Time Management


    Interview Techniques

    Public Speaking

    Interview Techniques

    Consultation Skills

    Letter Writing and Report Writing A

    Letter Writing and Report Writing B

    Supervision Skills

    Aboriginal Administrator Training Officer Skills

    Creative Writing(Adult Education)

    Sociology(Adult Education)

  3. Thornlie Campus of the SEMC and Perth Campus of CMC:(1988-1999)

Communication Core(Certificate 3)

Communication 1(Diploma)

Business Communication 1A(Diploma)

Business Communication 1B(Diploma)

Ancient Greek History TEE

Ancient Roman History TEE

Modern History TEE

Politics TEE

English Literature TEE

English TEE

Traditional Culture and Modern Society(Anthropology)

Framework of Australian Society(Economics)

History of Ideas

Australian Government and Legal Systems

Philosophy 1 A

Philosophy 1B

General Psychology

Commercial and Civic Principles

Interpersonal Study and Work Skills 001

Interpersonal Study and Work Skills 002

Society and Culture(Sociology)

Life Skills 1B(guitar)

Recreation 2(Certificate 2)

Social Science Introduction

Welfare Practice 1A

Welfare Practice 1B

Welfare Practice 2A

Welfare Practice 2B

  1. Thornlie Campus: 1994-1999

In these three programs: Human Services Certificate 3

Welfare Studies Certificate 4

Human Services Diploma(5)

I taught the following subjects:

Welfare Communication (4)

Introduction to Human Services(3)

Dealing With Conflict(3)

Family and Community(3)

Workteam Communication(3)

Service Provision and Practice(3)

Study Skills(3)

Recognition of Prior Learning(3)

Human Development 001(3)

Human Development 002(3)

Field Placement(3), (4) and (5)

Field Tutorial(3) and (5)

Managing People: Training and Development(5)

Managing Group Problem Solving and Decision Making(5)

Sociology for Human Service Workers(5)

D. Engineering, Applied Science and Social Science Students at the Ballarat College of Advanced Education 1976-1978:

Social Science(Applied Science: Engineering)(BSc)

Social Science(Applied Science: Geology)(BSc)

Social Science(Social Science)(BA)

Australian Media(Social Science)(BA)

Sociological Theory(Teacher Trainees: Secondary)

E. Whitehorse Technical College: 1975-1976

Behavioural Studies(Library Technician Trainees)(Cert.3)

F. Tasmanian CAE: 1974:

Language in Use(Linguistics)

Introductory Psychology

Human Relations

Sociology of Art

Individualized Learning


G. Thornlie Campus of the SEMC: General Studies: 1989-1998:

Writing Plain English

Writing Workplace Documents

Presenting Information

Presenting Reports

Workplace Communication

Quality Team Management

Job Seeking Skills

Communication and Industrial Relations

Managing Effective Working Relationships

Managing and Developing Teams

Field Experience in Community Services

Work Experience in Job Train Programs

H. The George Town School of Seniors Inc: 1999-2005


Creative Writing


Social Sciences




The outline below is a brief sketch only. No attempt is made to list all the activities in fifty-four years(1953-2007) of my association with and membership/service in the Baha’i community. Also, after more than fifty years, the memory gets somewhat rusty and the occasional detail below may not be accurate; for this reason and others I have tended to generalize rather than specify the particular tasks and their respective occasions-although I think I have provided a good balance between specificity and generality.

I would think, in the vast majority of cases, though, the information is correct and accurate. This statement has been used occasionally when applying for positions somewhere in what has become a vast network of service situations/institutions around the globe both within and outside the Baha’i community.

    YOUTH: Burlington/Dundas Ontario: 1959-1963


LSA of the Baha’is of Windsor: 1966/7: vice-chairman

LSA of the Baha’is of Toronto: 1969

LSA of the Baha’is of Whyalla: 1972: secretary

LSA of the Baha’is of Gawler: 1973: chairman

LSA of the Baha’is of Ballarat: 1976-78: chairman/secretary

LSA of the Baha’is of Launceston: 1979: publicity officer

LSA of the Baha’is of Stirling: 1988: secretary

LSA of the Baha’is of Belmont: 1989-1999: chairman/secretary for 7 of these years


Frobisher Bay NWT: 1967-68

King City Ontario : 1969

Picton Ontaro : 1970-71

Whyalla South Aust : 1971

Launceston Tasmania 1974

Kew Victoria : 1975

Smithton Tasmania : 1979

Zeehan Tasmania : 1980-82

Katherine NT : 1982-86

South Hedland WA : 1986-87

George Town Tas : 1999-2006(until further notice)


See my resume above in section 24 (v) (a) of the 2nd edition of my website, Pioneering Over Four Epochs, for details.


  1. LSA and Group Committees:

The list of committees during the 19 years of service on LSAs and another 22 years in Registered and Unregistered Groups and as an isolated believer(1 year) is partly too long to recount and partly beyond the scope of my memory after all these years. I do not recall serving on any committees in the five year period 1959 to 1964, nor since May of 2005.

  1. Regional Teaching Committees and National Committees:
    1. RTC of Northern Tasmania : 1974
    2. RTC of the Northern Territory : 1984-86

    3. National Community Development Committee: 1976-77 5. Service as an Assistant to the Auxiliary Board: 1986

    In the Northern Territory in 1986 for a few months before moving interstate.

    6. Pioneer Service:

    1. Homefront: Canada : 1962-1971
    2. Overseas : Australia: 1971-2006

    7. Teaching Work:

It is very difficult to quantify one’s teaching work and the accomplishments of some fifty years of teaching both as a pioneer(1962-2006), as a new Baha’i in my home town for three years(1959-1962) before pioneering and the several years of early contact through my mother and father with this new Faith(1953-1959). But, given the importance of this part of Baha’i life, the following activities could be listed as areas of contribution relevant to the teaching work:

7.1 Working on LSAs, Groups and Committees;

7.2 Writing:

7.2.1 essays and poetry for magazines and journals

7.2.2 essays and poetry given to individuals;

note: -some of this is kept at the Baha’i World Centre Library(BWCL)

-the rest I have on file at home

7.2.3 Giving talks/presentations/interviews

7.2.4 Working as a teacher in educational institutions;

7.2.5 Moving to many towns and states where few or no Baha’is have lived;

7.2.6 Moving to another country at crucial point in a Plan as a pionewer;

7.2.7 Entering into various forms of activity to interest the local people; -festivals and other public events, social programs and musical events,

-media programs and local organizations; a list too long to mention.

7.2.8 Promoting the Baha’i Faith through various forms of advertising such as:

– putting up posters, an estimated 4000.

-doing letterbox drops, an estimated 7000

-placing ads in newspapers, radio stations, TV stations and magazines, an

estimated 1000, and

-being interviewed on radio, eight radio appearances

(one on cassette tape; one on mini-disc and sent to the BWCL).

7.2.9 Going on unnumbered travel teaching trips from home communities/localities

to extension goals, towns which were not goals and overseas as a pioneer; &

7.2.10 Giving poetry readings in both Baha’i and non-Baha’i settings.

8. Consolidation Work:

It is also difficult to define one’s contributions to the consolidation work over this same time period of 53 years. Again, some attempt is made below, given the importance of consolidation during these years of the ninth and the tenth stage of Baha’i history: 1953-2006. I would like to list the following as part of my contribution to the consolidation work:

  1. Work on the Baha’i institutions listed above taking many forms—too extensive to list here;
  2. Writing, as listed above and requiring no more description;
  3. Writing booklets of poetry which I think have and will have a consolidation potential in the years ahead since they provide a rich base of comment on the several decades of Baha’i experience in these epochs; and
  4. Several of the activities listed above under ‘teaching’ which also had a consolidation function.

    9. Other Forms Of Work in the Baha’i Community:In a lifetime of service in this emerging world religion one does a great deal. This section has been opened to include items not covered in the above and will be elaborated upon in the years ahead.

10. Concluding Statement:

The above sketch, or Baha’i resume as I call it, has been written to provide an outline of my activity in the Baha’i community since 1953 when my mother joined this emerging world religion and I was still a child and since 1959 when I joined the Baha’i Faith at the age of 15. This sketch is concerned more specially with the years since 1962 when my pioneering life began and 1966 when my service in Baha’i Administration started in Windsor Ontario.. This statement needs to be read in conjunction with: (a) my professional resume above–which I used for many years when applying for general employment positions; (b) my more than 6000 poems–which is part of a larger work entitled Pioneering Over Four Epochs containing: journals, poetry, letters, book reviews, photographs, tapes, notes and narrative written over 44 years: from 1962 to 2006—an estimated five million words.

The above sketch, or Baha’i resume as I call it, has been written to provide an outline of my activity in the Baha’i community since 1953 when my mother joined this emerging world religion and I was still a child and since 1959 when I joined the Baha’i Faith at the age of 15. This sketch is concerned more specially with the years since 1962 when my pioneering life began and 1966 when my service in Baha’i Administration started in Windsor Ontario.. This statement needs to be read in conjunction with: (a) my professional resume above–which I used for many years when applying for general employment positions; (b) my more than 6000 poems–which is part of a larger work entitled containing:journals, poetry, letters, book reviews, photographs, tapes, notes and narrative written over 44 years: from 1962 to 2006—an estimated five million words.

Some 5000 of my poems were sent as a gift to the BWCL in celebration of the wondrous efflorescence that is the Baha’i Project on Mount Carmel. An 800 page autobiography by the same title was also sent to the BWCL in 2004. This statement, like my professional resume, was once used when applying for positions in the embryonic global Baha’i Administrative Order. Now it is only used on the internet, when relevant, at various websites in connection with a host of subjects.

Ron Price


Updated to 12/5/’13

Hello world traveller!

Monday, January 8th, 2007

I was not able to edit this post and so I have rewritten it below.-Ron