Dobre Pozholovats! Bine ati Venit!
February 5th, 2006This post’s message header contains (in very loose form) the Russian and Romanian words for “Welcome!”
Allow me to introduce myself. I am a 30-something woman originally from California. My ID, Reisefrau, is a blend of the German words for “travel” (Reise) and “woman” or “wife” (frau). So I’m not a hausfrau, I’m a reisefrau.
As you can see, I love foreign languages in addition to travel. I speak just enough Spanish, Russian, German, Ukrainian, French, and Romanian to make linguistic and cultural faux pax.
My blog is called “Adventures of an American in Eastern Europe” for two reasons. One, I had the good fortune to teach English in Ukraine and Moldova for three years. In December 2005, a year and a half after I left the region, I had a month’s vacation from my current teaching job in California and spent it revisiting my friends in Ukraine and Moldova. I also spending a few days in Germany visiting Munich with one of my best friends and staying to hang out with him through New Years. Over the the next few months I will be adding entries about that wonderful trip.
The second reason for my title is this is what Lena said I should name the travel book she thinks I should write some day. Lena is the 18 year-old daughter of the Moldovan family I stayed with. We view each other as family now, and although I don’t have that book written and published yet, in deference to her I’m naming the blog with the title she chose. Multumesc frumos, Lena! (Thank you very much, Lena!)