Varkala – Xmas by the Beach
Monday, December 31st, 2007Myself and adonai grabbed a bus from Allepy to a town called Kablam. Tell me right now, is that or is that not the coolest name of any town in the history of man kind. I figured that the script writer of the old batman tv series must have come here to find himself or was born here or something.
Varkala is a 10 km journey from this town. It really is a stunning setting. A cliffside beach facing west so it got perfect sunsets every evening. The top of the cliff was lined with various resturants, bars and accomodation. We booked into a pricey 1300 a night place before eventually finding one for a third of the price alot closer to the action aswell. It was booked out from the 28th onwards so I would have to move on for somewhere to stay over new years. Oh well at least I’ll have xmas on the beach.
When we got settled in I headed straight for the surf, left my gear with adonai and jumped right in. Christ the waves there are vicious, more so than anywhere I have ever seen. Time and time again someone would come back to the shore after being completely battered by the sea. This made a great place for body surfing but an absolute death trap for swimming.
Varkala being a resort, a tiny one at that was full of westerners on their xmas break. So we ended up running into the same people time and time again, which in one way isn’t great but for xmas it turned out perfectly. Xmas day was spent nursing a rum and coke hangover on the beach with adonai and two english girls Rohanna and Laila we met there the previous night.
To be honest nothing really worth reporting happened in varkala, much like goa it was a cycle of swim, eat, swim, eat then drink for 4 nights. The guys who work in the bars and restaurants were good craic – they even let me plug in my mp3 player The day before I left adonai flew out to dehli to do his tour of the north. It was a blast travelling with him but all good things come to an end…
I am on my way to Kanyekumai now – it is the most southerly point in the country, not sure what there is to see down there but figured it is worth it just to say that I have actually travelled the length of india when I cross over the border to nepal in 2 months time.