BootsnAll Travel Network

Made it to Nairobi

Hi everyone!

I arrived in Nairobi last night, from Montreal via Amsterdam. The trip was pretty uneventful, but I was fortunate to trade with someone for a window seat for the Amsterdam-Nairobi leg, so the views over the Swiss Alps and then the Sahara were pretty extraordinary….we flew directly over Khartoum, which was really cool to see, because it’s in Sudan, so it’s just totally remote.

I almost never made it to the airport in Montreal, though…funny story. So about 45 minutes before I was going to leave for the airport, I stopped by the bank to deposit a cheque. You know those little garbage slots they have beside the ATMs to put discarded receipts in? Well, I was stuffing my receipt into it a little too vigorously and my hand got fully stuck in it just below my knuckles…I was totally panicking and had this vision of me missing my whole trip to Africa because I was trapped in the TD bank ATM on a Sunday and no one would find me! Basically I was yanking on my arm as hard as I could for about 45 seconds (which seemed like forever, of course), and finally my hand came free. But those things are made of marble, so now my knuckles on my right hand are all busted up…Haha, you know they caught all that on surveillance camera, too.

But anyways, I DID make it to Kenya. When we arrived at the airport it wasn’t that late but it was dark because the sun sets at about 6:30 everynight since we’re on the equator. One girl in the group’s luggage never made it out of Montreal, but the rest of us were all good. We had a bit of a hassle going through customs because they wanted us to declare the boxes of books and medical supplies we’re bringing for some of the communities we’ll be visiting. After about 45 minutes of negotiations, though, they finally let us through. Nairobi is at a fairly high altitude, so the temperature is a nice 23 degrees. We’re staying at ICIPE, which is the International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology, which is interesting because even though their focus is on insects, that also covers other issues from malaria to horticulture. Also, the security is really tight because we’re on the same compound as USAID, so we all had our pictures taken for our own security-clearance badges…I feel so official.

This morning we woke up and headed off for the day to Nairobi National Park, which is just on the outskirts of town. It was a pretty great way to start off the trip…it’s basically open savannah with giraffes, zebra, wildebeest, buffalo, ostrich…. We kept an eye out for rhino, but no luck. And all this with the Nairobi skyline on the horizon. We were there almost all day, so it was pretty easy-going.

Tomorrow we start real course-work. We’re going to the United Nations compound in the morning, which I’m really excited about, obviously, because that’s where I want to work. Then, in the afternoon, we’ll have the most extraordinary chance to visit Kibera, which is one of the most well-known slums in the world (maybe after Soweto), and I’ve learned about it a hundred times in classes. It’s the largest slum in Africa, with over a million people living in a valley on the edge of the city…we passed it today on the way to the National Park. I’m really looking forward to going there, because that’s an experience most people to Nairobi would never get.

It’s really, really dusty in Nairobi because Kenya is in the middle of a severe drought (the November rainy season never came, and the next one isn’t until March). I think I’m having allergy attacks to all the dust, so hopefully that won’t last, or I’ll be looking like I’m about to cry for the next 6 months! I’m currently drugged up on Reactine, so hopefully that will do the trick.

Anyways, there are 38 people competing for two slow dial-up computers, so if I don’t get off soon, it might start a lynch mob.

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3 responses to “Made it to Nairobi”

  1. Jess! says:

    I’m so glad you made it and you’re alive and well. It’s cold and I stole your jacket today…the hood on yours is better. I watched flight plan on Sunday night…oh man so messed up (it wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be). I want to hear about the UN!
    A plus tard,

  2. David says:

    I’ve always had a fear of getting my hand stuck in those slots. Hmm.

    Sounds amazing by the way, and I’m “not” writing this from class.



  3. Dad says:

    Hello Leah,

    I’m still ‘coming to grips’ (you might say) with the image of you stuck in the trash paper slot in a Montreal bank. It is quite an image!

    Thanks for such an informative description of the game park, Nairobi, etc. I almost feel that I am there. Is Kibera the slum that is shown a lot in The Constant Gardiner? Even if i isn’t, that is the picture I will have in my mind.

    I’ll leave the mushy stuff for a private e-mail.


  4. Aunt Sue says:


    Great to hear you are finally there.. Nana and Grandad laughed at your experience in the airport.. Stay safe ..We look forward to viewing your posts..

    St. John’s, Newfoundland

  5. Mom says:

    Dear Leah, Greetings from Tokyo! So there you are in Kenya amongst the giraffes and elephants and yet your most fiercesome encounter thus far has been with a Montreal ATM garbage disposal! Interesting, eh?Hope the dust settles in Nairobi; looking forward to hearing more about your UNHCR visit! Love, Mom

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