BootsnAll Travel Network


Imade it! besides the keyboard being odd this place is amazing. i have never met such friendly people. They eat all of the time! i had what i thought was dinner but was only a snack so i went to bed only to wakeee up finding them hovered around me seeing if i was sick 2 hours later. i havent yet gotten to look around the medina howerever just waandering around the city is un nerving. men stop their conversatioons to shout out things i cannot understand. which i expected just not from everyone. apparently only lately have women been in the streets walking around so they feel they can do this to not just americans but moroccan women as well. the family i am staying with knows no english other than the father and brother but they are never home and the father only stays in his room. but i have never met more generous people. they are all so giving of anything that I or the other girl who is studying with me need. She can speak french and they seem to be more fluent in french than arabic. however she wont translate for me. i have to head oout and try to find my way to school but I just purchased 30 hours for the next é2 monthes for just 10 dollars and i will be posting much more ofter.


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