G’day Sydney
G’day all from Sydney
Quene & James outside Sydney Opera House
We made it to the other side of the world, half way round.
Seem to be having a prob right now with getting thumbnails for the pictures, but if you click on the links below a new window will open with the full sized pic.
Right now we’re staying at Melissa’s place in Bondi Junction (also called Co. Bondi due to the amount of Irish living here, there’s lots of them!!!) Here’s a couple of pics at the famous Bondi Beach!
Every at Bondi Beach – Todo la penya en la Playa de Bondi
Mel loo0king cool at the beach!!! Bondi Babe
On Christmas Day we went for a lovely dinner, lots of prawns, lobster and oysters, mmmmm.
In the pic from left to right: Mels mate Linda, James, Quene, Mel and Giggi, another mate of Mels.
Christmas Dinner Sydney Style – Cena de Navidad estilo Sydney
A great night view of Sydney’s most famous landmarks: the Sydney Opera House
Sydney Opera House at Night”>Sydney Opera House at night – Sala de Opera de Sydney por la noche
and the Sydney Harbour Bridge:
Sydney Harbour Bridge at night – Puende del Rio de Sydney por la noche
Buenas desde Sydney
Pues aqui estamos al otro lado del mundo, estamos en Bondi Beach, llamado Co. Bondi por la cantidad de Irlandeses que deciden que ya han tenido suficiente lluvia y se vienen para Australia.
Sus playa es famosa por no quedar ni un cm de arena libre el dia de Navidad,y como manda la tradiccion alli fuimos a celebrarlo, primero comiendo en un hotel con un monton de Irlandeses y un monton de marisco,nadie se comia el marisco asi que tuvimos que hacer el “sacrificio” 😉 de comerlo nosotros..
para cuando acabamos con las 3 langostas ,5 ostras , las gambas.. y unos cuantos vasos de champang.. nos estaban echando.. no nos dio tiempo ni al postre …en fin ..nos reimos un monton con tanta burbuja en la cabeza.. y nos fuimos a una fiesta :
Judge Jules Concert – Concierto de Judge Jules
Nos acordamos mucho de la escuela en Palolem .. nosotros comiendo y bebiendo delicias , rodeados de gente la cual su mayor preocupacion era la ropa que llevaban el pelo bien alisado y el tintanlux bien puest. …espero que hayan tenido una feliz navidad, esos niños y los turistas que esten alli les hayan llevado muchas sorpresas.
Uno de los simbolos de Syndey:The Sydney Opera House
Bat ( Flying Fox ) in the Botanic Gardens , near the Opera House
Murcielago en el Jardin Botanico cerca del Opera House
Bats in the Botanical Gardens – Murcielagos en los jardines botanicos
Que dura es el trabajo de un salva vidas nada mas poner la señal todo el mundo se fue al agua,
– How hard is the work of a lifeguard when nodody gives a s*** – Bondi Beach
He just put the signal and everybody went to the water.
In the aquarium ..
Seahorses – caballitos de mar
Oh my god!! a shark over my head.. we have to get used to for the great barrier reef
Oh Dios mio un tiburon sobre mi cabeza, practicando antes de ir a la gran barrera de coral
Hey J & Q … Tell Mel , Jan and leon i said HI ….. We got a little bit of snow here yesterday!! Whats the weather like down there?… email me when there’s any news….. LOVE REBECCA (hugs and kisses for every one!!) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
(i miss yous all so so so much!!) 🙂
Hi sweets !
The pictures are so funny. Everybody dress as summer and with santaclaus’ hats !
You can do something if you manage your own code when you upload the pictures. If you have this bit of code if you add target=”blank”, then the pictures always open in a different page so you can see the picture, close the page, going down the main page and open a new picture in other page and so on…
I always open your pictures in another window so i can follow in order… with the right bottom of the mouse.
Ok, today i was dying with gastroenteritis o como se diga and today im fine: poor people cant be ill for long.
Kisses for every one tallagh mary !
Quene, he estado dos veces a punto de arrancarme de cuajo el puto piercing, se me engancha con las gafas, aghhh, es realmente… pero de momento lo mantendré.
Bea, no te recomiendo que te hagas un piercing cuando seas mayor, sobre todo si tienes gafas y eres un desastre de mujer como yo.
¿Ya han llegado los Murphy’s?
Dales muchísimos besos !
Acabo de recibir la postal de Tailandia, asi te haces idea de lo que tarde en llegar . En ella me dices que llevo unos dias sin meter coments, de momento me ha sorprendido , pero luego he recordado que probablente coincida ese silencio con la semana que estuvimos en Alicante , sin el ordenador ni internet.
Estando en Madrid , abro la pagina varias veces , lo que pasa es que no estoy inspirado para rellenar tanto…
Supongo que del problema de las fotos vosotros sabreis mas , pero parece que sorprende que en un pais con ciudades superdesarrolladas no “chifle” el envio de fotos , y desde un cafe-mail con monos pululando por los cables lleguen tan bien.
Seguro que desde un telefono-mail que hay a la entrada de las taquillas del zoo funsiona . Tambien podeis utilizar el zumbador aborigen de Cocodrilo Dundy.
A la Calenco se le ocurrio ponerse un hueso en la nariz como los Zulues y por poco se saca UN OJO.
Feliz entrada y salida de año, y un abrazo en directo para todos los Murphys que esten por Australia y parte del extranjero
Besos de Paloma , Bea y agus, a lot
Como consecuencia de estar en el hemisferio sur , pregunto ¿la buena suerte empieza con el pie contrario que en Europa?, porque eso es importante no sea que la pifieis.
And the other hand, siempre se ha dicho que el agua del lavabo giraba en un sentido en el hemisferio norte y en otro sentido en el hemisferio sur. Hacer la prueba . Llena un lavabo de agua y luego quita el tapon, en que sentido gira el agua al irse?.
Es todo un experimento magnetodinamico. Cuenta , cuenta
Hi Rebecca,
everyone is great here, it’s very hot, New Years day was 45’C in Sydney, the day we left for
Brisbane (now in Brisbane for a few days, we fly back to Sydney on the 9th)!
Cool you got some snow, it would be nice here too once a week just to cool down a bit!
Mel, Jan and Leon are at the ‘beach’ right now cooling down, it’s actually an artificial
beach and pool on the river here in Brisbane we’ll head there after this post!
Take care and give everyone a big hug from us all!!
Agus ,
lo primero que hice nada mas llegar a casa de Melisa fue ir al baño , rellenar el lavabo
poner el tapon quitarlo y ver para donde iba la corriente , creo que iba contrario a las agujas del
reloj, pero deberia repetir el esperimento con jabon para verlo mas claro…
Lo que es increible es el calor , despues de vivir en Dublin por 7 años ya se nos habia olvidado lo que
es 40 y tantos grados y nada de sombra.. nos compramos unos paraguas de niño y vamos tan contentos
..total nadie nos conoce. 😉
Si te lo quitas cierra muy rapido , porque no intentas poner uno mas pequeño que no se enganche..?
y quedara mas bonito…
Me hizo mucha ilusion hablar con vosotros el finde (español) , nosotros estabamos en la
cama tomando las uvas y todos los de la casa donde estamos oyeron a los perros ..que risa..
Gracias por los textos tambien ..ta guay ..ta guay..
Bueno pues a trabajar con el nuevo post , especial fin de año en Sydney.
Besos pa toos y toas .
Cuanto mas grande la ciudad mas dificil encontrar un ciber… en Hong Kong fue imposible..
por ejemplo y en Palolem ( Goa ) en cada palmera..
Alrite lads!
Back in work already. Holidays flew in as always. Had the time of my life! Phuket has now
– I’d safely say – completed a full recovery from the tsunami! The lives lost can never be
recouped of course but at least the people there have their way of life back!
Not a lot had changed from a year ago. It was busier and all-in-all better (more developed)
than the same time last year. Apparently they lost about 8 months of business but since then
things have been looking up! There were some nice touches added especially for the tsunami
anniversary. But I think that they more appreciated by tourists and those who actually lost
friends or family. The locals by-and-large were too busy taking advantage of the roaring trade!
Prices were about the same as they were last year, maybe a little bit more expensive!
I took a PADI Open Water Scuba Diving course. Paid 10,000baht for it which is a little over
200euro I think (that’s cheap). I tried to do it in 3 days – man it was hard! I had to put in 12
hours per day each day. I should have taken the 4-day option. What did you guys do?
Anyway I managed to somehow get the licence with a heroic display on the last of my four open
water dives. Went down to 19m (which was over the 18m limit actually for a beginner), didn’t get
any panic attacks and managed to do all the skills without any problems. We even had time for a
further 25 minutes down there just exploring! And it was so amazing! On my first dive – before I
had a panic attack and had to bullet back up to the surface – I was flabergasted by what I saw
down there! Truly amazing stuff! I have never before done anything that comes near to the
feeling you get when you first set your eyes on it! And the comraderie and banter on the boat –
I would strongly recommend the experience! And I am afraid of water and can’t actually swim
(they had to bend the rules) so if I can do it then anybody can!
Anyway lads. Just thought that I would update you on my travels. Whose website is this anyway?
Hope that Australia treats you well! I visited that artificial beach in Brisbane – it must be the same
one – in March. Something tells me that you haven’t seen it yet. It’s nice but not I don’t think that
you will be hanging out there long? Unless something has changed. The park it’s in is quite nice,
about the best thing that Brisbane had to offer for me!
All the best ladz – Larry
Hi Larry,
cool that you had a good time in Phuket. We saw a bit about the anniversary in the news, it looked moving.
Great that you took the step and welcome to the PADI club 😉 We did it in 3 1/2 days and it was tough
10-11 hours each day, but well worth it when you get down there to explore. Cant wait til we get further
up north to the barrier reef, probably a good 3-4 weeks away, but can’t wait!
Yea we’ve been to that South Bank Beach, nice spot to cool down! Slap bang in the middle of the city.
Brissie(as the locals call home) is much more relaxed than Sydney.
Thanks for the post!
J & Q