Cruise over the three Gorges

We decided to go on a 3day cruise along the Yangze River, the 3rd longest river in the world at 6,300 km. Famous for the 3 gorges, some of the most beautiful scenery in the world. Also just as famous for the 3Gorges dam being built accorss the river, which will unfortunately flood parts of the 3 Gorges.

As the tourist season was coming to a close, we managed to hop on the last boat upstram from Yichang to Chongqing, it was a boat normally used only for Chinese tourists, so we had a bit of “fun” trying to communicate and “fit in” with the Chinese way of doing things, there was only one other westerner, Jochen from Germany who was also “enjoying” the Chinese way of doing things! Gruesse Jochen, if you’re reading!

The locks at the 3 Gorges Dam, 6 ships fitted in the lock, and there were 5 different levels, took about 2 hours to get through… Way bigger than anything we’ve ever been through on the River Shannon hahaha…

Ohh those misty mountains…


This was a smaller day trip up a tributary of the Yangze with even more impressive gorges! Where we got onto a canoe boat wich at one stage was pulled along the river by the oarsmen. The tour guide had everyone on the boat sing a song, when it came to our turn we both sang “Molly Malone” which they enjoyed!

For starters, I’ll have… (James practising Chinese in a restaurant)
De primero nos gustaria tomar….. (James practicando chino en un restaurante)

Shibao Pagoda, this will be turned into an island when the dam is completed and the gorges fill up with water…

A statue from the City of Ghosts on the River Yangze


Decidimos ir 3 dias de crucero por el rio Yangtze , el 3er rio mas largo del mundo 6300 km
Famosos por los 3 gorges, uno de los paisajes mas impresionantes que se puedan ver , tambien una ocasion unica ya que estan construyendo una presa que disminuira su altura y su espectacularidad.

He encontrado un grafico que explica como lo estan construyendo desde el año 94..

Durante el crucero hicimos un tour en barca, la guia se puso a cantar y nos hicieron cantar a nosotros tambien… y nos pusimos a cantar Molly Malone:
In Dublin Fair City..!!! Hacia tiempo que no me reia tanto… desde Guan Tallagh Mary.. guajira Guan Tallagh Mary.!!

Como la temporada de calor se acabo justo pillamos a tiempo el ultimo bote turista de Yichang a Chongqing, era un barcopara turistas chinos asi que pasaron un poco de nosotros y encajar con ellos ( no hicieron ningun esfuerzo , en otros sitios se desviven por entendernos)
Solo eramos 3 guiris, nosotros y Jochen de Alemania , “disfrutando” de unas vacaciones a la manera china.

16 Responses to “Cruise over the three Gorges”
  1. James & Quene 7 December 2005 at 3:25 am #

    Hola Inma:
    A ver si nos da tiempo a hacer fotillos de instrumentos musicales , nos vamosen una hora a coger el ultimo tren interminable de China ( solo 16 h de viaje, el mas largo fueron 31 horas)
    Si vas a Madrid ponte en contacto con mi hermana… calenco calenco … se puede?
    A mi tambien me parece increible estar aqui… y sobre todo que por fin hoy haga sol.
    The little panda was so cute…nearly like the chinese children ..
    Richie ,
    I check with James and we send you a text… we saw U2 in Dublin …but paddys day is tempting ..

    Hi All , check the Pandas post

  2. Ruairi 7 December 2005 at 7:42 am #

    I bet you didn’t have a disco and a crate of beer on the boat, thats one thing you can’t take from the Shannon.
    Sad that they’ll are going to flood it all for that damn, when is that going to happen? Too big a price for industrial progress.

  3. Inma 7 December 2005 at 2:56 pm #

    uf, pues si! hoy ya 32!!! y no paro de decirlo a ver si me acostumbro!!! que mira que me está costando!! es que es como si hablaran con otra joder… en fin, pero lo gracioso es que el número me gusta …. vaya tela jejejej.
    Al final no se si me voy a Madrid, Granada o Barcelona… que follón, esto en vez de estar más claro cada día que pasa, se torna más y más oscuro… al menos el sol brilla en el cielo… algo es algo…

    por cierto, ya esta bien de tanta popularidad!! a ver que os habeis creido!!, si yo llego a ir en ese bote tampoco os hubiera hecho caso!! vaya creidos que estais hechos!!


    espero que esteis teniendo un buen viaje en ese interminable tren…

    más y más besos nenes :)))))

  4. calenco 7 December 2005 at 3:37 pm #

    Hola Inma,

    mi mail es calenco [arroba] arkania [punto] org.

    Por aquí andaremos para lo que quieras.

    Hurrah for Molly Malone and her partner in the show, the extraordinary One Tallagh Mary, who in Chinese is, of course, Guang Tallah Mary !

    In Dublin’s fair city, where the girls are so pretty I once met a girlll… another spitchwich please !


  5. Ruairi 8 December 2005 at 1:43 pm #

    My favourite drink being denigrated….I think I’ll have to go for a pint to console myself. Maybe two pints…it is Christmas after all…
    Happy Christmas to you’s all…ho ho ho…
    Three pints and then I’m definitely going home…

  6. Ruairi 8 December 2005 at 1:49 pm #

    jhsust…zhthe one more… pint and Imm… getting zhe boat back to Ireland….Dubilin…town….lovelly….that’ll do….where’z I park that boat now?…
    I’ve been a woild rover….
    For many a ye-yarrrrr…
    And OI’ve spent all me muoney…
    On whhiszzzkey an’ Be-yarrrrr…

  7. Richie 9 December 2005 at 12:41 am #

    Hey Guys,
    I really need to know if you are interested in seeing U2 in Auckland on March 17th, anyways can you let me know via the blog or by email as there are other interested parties.

  8. Mairead Fagan 9 December 2005 at 8:36 am #

    Hey richie dunno when J & Q will get to write but i noticed in the blog for I think the giant pandas james wanted you to mail him with details he left his email there on the post…too hungover to go find it…good luck and enjoy u2!!! They certainly rocked in Croker!

  9. Jason 9 December 2005 at 10:51 am #

    Did you feel China is a good place?

  10. calenco TO RUARI 10 December 2005 at 6:46 am #

    Dear Ruari,

    im an absent minded… i had to write it down because i forget it: SMITHWICKS. That’s my beer when im in Dublin…

    … In Dublin’s fair city,
    where the girls are so pretty…
    … don’t let me down !!!
    … don’t let me down !!!



  11. Sol 10 December 2005 at 5:18 pm #

    Holaaaa!! Voy a poner un comentario aca porque que no sea cosa de que se piensen que no estoy siguiendo el blog!!! Y no saben la envidia que me estan dando 🙁

    Las fotos I M P R E S I O N A N T E S ! Leer sus comentarios ha pasado a ser unos de mis pasatiempos preferidos. El viaje que estan haciendo es una pasada, una experiencia que no muchos pueden darse el lujo de tener. Quene, espero que tu pie este mejorando, yo tuve el mismo problema hace unos años y tardo un poco en curarse pero seguro que todo lo que hay para ver por ahi te motiva a moverte.

    Que lastima que no nos encontramos en India.. Yo en enero estoy en Argentina pero por lo que veo ustedes ni hablar, no?

    Inma, feliz cumple tia!!! 32?? Que no pasa nada mujer, somos todos unos crios todavia. jajaja

  12. Richie 10 December 2005 at 9:18 pm #

    Cheers Mairead, I mailed him at a different address, well the one he mailed me from last time, I’ll give the new address a go.

  13. lilsis 12 December 2005 at 3:30 am #

    hey james and quene!!! the pictures look lovely…so how many more stops b4 you’s go down under???? I miss you’s both so much!! it’s a shame you’s won’t be here for Christmas… love Rebecca xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  14. James 12 December 2005 at 8:17 am #

    Hi Jason,

    we really enjoyed China & Hong Kong, there are so many historic monuments to see in China that you would need a life time to see them all!!!! THe scenery is amazing too, next time we come it will have to be spring/summer so that we can get outdoors a bit more! We had a great time in class last Friday, we hope you guys enjoyed it as much as we did!!!

    Hi Rebecca,
    we arrived in Bangkok, Thailand yesterday, from Hong Kong, we’ll stay here a couple more days before heading down to visit some of the islands, and some amazing beaches, from what we hear! We leave for Sydney on the 22nd, so it won’t be long now! We miss you and the whole gang lots, but I’m sure you’ll have a good time!!!!

  15. Quene& James 12 December 2005 at 8:20 am #

    Hola Sol, Calenco , Inma etc :
    Muchas gracias por los comentarios , hacer este viaje ha sido la mejor idea que hemos tenido… Aunque a veces …despues de 31 horas de tren ,seguidas de 4 de autobus nos haya echo dudar del proposito del viaje..
    Estamos conociendo un monton de gente y aunque en un principio no nos entiendieran hay un lenguaje universal y ese el que vale al final ..
    Se que mas gente me esta leyendo (mi madre me va contando quien nos va siguiendo por el barrio ( Pili , la gente del Hospi Gregorio Maranon .. etc y tambien estoy recibiendo mails and texts , Arantza, Esther , Bea, Jose y Gloria ..)
    Os damos las gracias, porque gracias a esta pagina estamos lejos pero a la vez cerca.. ESTAMOS TODOS VIAJANDO… 😉

    Larry : Thanks again for your hospitality , to open your classroom for us , we really enjoy to read again the Wizard of Oz for them.
    The visit to the Hong Kong History Museum and the delicious Hot pot.
    Say thanks to Herbert for inviting us for lunch and explain us very interesting details about Cantonese food and culture , it was very special.

    Hi Jason ,
    We really enjoy China and its people .. we hope we can comeback one day and continue discovering the culture.

    Bueno y ahora al trabajo ( publicar mas fotillos)

  16. Anonymous 24 January 2006 at 1:54 am #

    Hey lads,

    great blog! you both look great. looks like your having a ball.

    Love Monica and Pete

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