Photos from Jaipur

We took a tour round Jaipur, “The Pink City”, pink because the then Maharaja Sing Jihan Winghwajajwuwuw II, or whatever his name was, decided he’d build the old city (approx 250 years ago) a nice shade of pink. These are some pix:

Hicimos una tour giuda por Jaipur “La Ciudad Rosa”, rosa porque el entonces Maharaja Sing Winghwajajwuwuw II, o como se llamaba, decidio construir la ciudad antigua en color rosa (hace approximadamente 250 anos) . Aqui hay algunos fotos:

Snake Charmers outside Observatory:
Encantadores de serpientes fuera del Observatorio:

Worlds biggest sun dial, this is the observatory in Jaipur built by the Maharaja Jay Singh 1728, you can find all type of big “monuments- instruments ” used to messure the time , the eclipses and even constelations .

El reloj de sol mas grande del mundo en el observatorio de Jaipur construido en 1728 por el maharaja jay Signh, consta en Instrumetos que por el tamaño casi parecen monumentos , para medir el tiempo , los eclipses e incluso las constelaciones , muy interesante :

Worlds biggest sundial

Street Scene – Pink City:
Vista callejera – Ciudad Rosa:

Street scene in the Pink City

Detail – Hall of Mirrors, Amber Fort:
Detalle – Sala de Espejos, Fortaleza de Amber:

Detail - Hall of Mirrors Amber Fort

Monkey in Amber Fort:
Mono en la forteleza de Amber:

Mono- Jaipur

Wind Palace – Pink City:
Palacio de viento – Ciudad Rosa:

Wind Palace - Pink City

Elephant in the Parade:
Elefante en la cabalgata:

Elephant in the parade

18 Responses to “Photos from Jaipur”
  1. Beë 14 October 2005 at 1:43 pm #

    Son geniales !

    Qué flipe !

    Gracias por compartirlas !

    Mamá quiere volver a ver las que estais juntos, se las imprimiré. Beso !


  2. Beë 14 October 2005 at 1:57 pm #

    Where are you keeping all the pictures you do?, have you got a hard disk or you download them in cd-rom’s?

    What about the batteries?, i supose you do it in the hotels, isnt it?

    Mum says that she is without words imagining where you are: “antes arrastrando el culo por los pabellones de baloncesto y ahora por el mundo”. Le ha impresionado veros con el Taj Mahal al fondo.


  3. CupawnTae 14 October 2005 at 4:01 pm #

    You guys should sign up for this site – cool idea! Make yourselves some cash as you roam.

    – PMG

  4. lil sis 14 October 2005 at 6:12 pm #

    hi lil sis here!! copying of colm “big bro”don’t really know what to say but just, have fun =)

  5. lil sis 14 October 2005 at 6:12 pm #

    lil sis is rebecca forgot 2 tell you!!!!

  6. Mark A 14 October 2005 at 9:53 pm #

    Nice pics! Looks like you 2 are having a grand time.

  7. Parisha 15 October 2005 at 9:33 am #

    Hey Cristina!! Looks like you guys are having a real fun time over there! Nice photos by the way.

  8. James & Quene 15 October 2005 at 12:38 pm #

    we’ve got the pics still in the camera memory card, but we’ll put them on CD soon, when the card fills up, shop’s everywhere can do this, for about 2euros. Probably send you on a copy, just to be safe, just in case our bags go missing, and keep a copy with us… Batteries are re-chargables, recharge in the hotel.

    Hi Lil sis,
    I mean Becky, with 4 lil sisses, you gotta give me a bit more to go on! Hehehe!
    Hope you like the pics, make sure you show them to mam and dad, and maybe granny when she gets out of hospital.

    glad you like them, will try and do as good ones as yours, when we get to China, maybe even better, who knows 😉
    Can you email me Dallas and Ottawa office addresses, so I can send you guys a postcard?

    Hi Parisha,
    Glad you like the photos, as you’re well aware, India is a crazy place!!!!
    In Udaipur right now, and it’s nice and relaxed, no traffic, beautiful view of the lake, first time it’s been full in 8 years. Will post pics in a few days.

    Bye for now,


  9. Quene 16 October 2005 at 5:18 pm #

    Hi Parisha and all .
    I am happy you got the link to follow the big trip , from all the cities we were so far (Delhi, Agra, Jaipur ) , Udaipur is the best.. nice & quiet , relaxing and romantic 😉 . As James Said above.
    Restaurants are very cheap and very god quality and this is a very artistic city .. Is very very very difficult , to say “no thanks ” when a shop keeper shows you some nice craft they made, but we cant fill the back pack with Indian things , we have to leave a bit of space for the rest of the countries.
    Say hello to everybody…! And we will keep adding nice pics
    We are very exited that so many people is following us..

    Es muy dificil andar y ir diciento ” no gracias ” a todo el mundo que se acerca para enseñarte toda clase de artesanias increibles . No nos importaria comprar y mandarlas pero no sabemos si llegaran . Tambien estabamos pensando comprar y venderlas en Australia … para seguir patrocinando el viaje , pero claro es arriesgado.
    Besos a todos , nos hace mucha ilusion que nos esteis siguiendo.

  10. ONU translater 16 October 2005 at 9:15 pm #

    Thanks to you both because you are giving us the path to dream, the chance of sharing with you the whole world.

    Now i feel that India is not in another continent on another world, i feel that India is just a place, a Certain space; not a point in the maps. It has a meaning: there is where you are now. And all of us with you both.

    ONU translater
    International Feelings Deparment

    For J&Q News from Udaipur -middle way between Jodhpur and Kota-, India, this beautiful planet.

    (Ejem, sorry, I have been looking for Rajistan and i did not find it in any map, so i begin to imagine that is a province. I know that you are going south and then, from the western coast of India, Goa port , going north to Mumbai. But Rajistan is anywhere, help me to find it… )

  11. Quene 18 October 2005 at 12:21 pm #

    Dear ONU translater ,
    The photos are in the memory stick and in the internet cafes we use the USB or the memory card reader , also when the MS is full we will burn a CD for 100 RS = 2 euros . There are internet cafes in every corner. where we are now is 30 RS = 60 cent an hour .. and the cows are outside .. funny eh?
    Rajasthan is the province where Jaipur , Udaipur , Jaisalmer are , no se el nombre en español.
    Today we are going to see another stuning sunset by the lake Pichola with the mountains at the back, so I will think in all you , specially for those where the clouds let you see any bit of the sun.

    En un ratito vamos a ver otra puesta de sol increible con el lago Pichola y las montañas al fondo… que pensaremos en todos , especialmente a aquellos que las nubes nos les deja ver ni una pizca de sol.

  12. Quene 18 October 2005 at 12:49 pm #

    Gracias por el celestoderm, en cuanto cae el sol los mosquitos salen al ataque de guiris.
    Yo ya estoy pensando en beberme la pomada a ver si es mas efectiva.

    Dad ,
    Thanks for the bite relief cream , as soon the sun goes to sleep the mosquitos start the party and organize a banquet with foreigners blood , I was thinking start drinking the cream to see if is any improvement.

  13. calenco 18 October 2005 at 7:43 pm #

    T o d o

    l o

    l e v e

    s e

    c o n v i e r t e

    e n

    s o l

    Mentazko Muxuak!

  14. Colin Farrell 19 October 2005 at 2:06 pm #

    Go on ye mad things,
    Colins top tip; to avoid mozzies at night wear long sleeved white clothes, people think they should where black cause they will be harder to see??? but black radiates the body heat and thats what the mozzies like (with brown sauce of course), white doesn’t radiate body heat, just reflects the heat from outside. Yeah baby.

    PS. I might rob that snake charmer photo and do some abstract painting from it, deadly colours. Im a thief, I know.
    Deadly buzz.

  15. Anonymous 20 October 2005 at 12:45 pm #

    Been relatively ok mossie speaking. Got flogged some citronella oil perfume thingy, which seems to be doing the trick on the exposed bits! Except for the feet, guess the sandals wear off the oil or they really like the smell of feet…

    They’ve had a bit more of a feast on Quene than me, that’s a first, but maybe they like Spanish blood more than Irish… Guess if they have too much Irish blood in them, they’d get an Irish citizenship and have to be deported back to Ireland, if I was a mosquito, I know where I’d rather be deported to, Ireland or Spain, mmm… not a difficult choice that one… Cold and mossies don’t mix that well!

    Oh, the sidways rocking of the head can mean pretty much anything here in India, I’m even beginning to do it myself… Like when I mean, ” I dunno, what do you think”, “maybe kinda sorta type thing”, or even a polite “no, not really interested…” Wonder if there’s a smiley you can do that rocks it’s head sideways the way only the Indians know how to…. Paul any ideas…?

    Quene says it’s OK for you Colin, since your so special, to “borrow” the pic, but any profits made from it in any shape or form are 100% hers!!!!

    When you’re done send us a pic and we can post it here for all to gawk at and see if they can spot any resemblance to the original!

  16. James 20 October 2005 at 12:45 pm #

    Previous post was from me, James, if you hadn’t guessed by now!

  17. Harry 15 November 2005 at 9:35 am #

    Hi James,Cristina
    I’m Mr Finnerty class.
    Beijing is very cold.
    Wear lot clotes!!!
    Don’t be sick!!!!

  18. Harry 15 November 2005 at 9:37 am #

    Holp you’re happy

  19. endit 27 November 2007 at 1:42 am #

    nice picture!! btw i need a picture of brazil traditional clothes for man. please send me by email the simple one i really need to aplication on my son school project this week. hope you dont mind to do it.Big thanks

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