Afternoon Excursion
January 23rd, 2008Tonight, my day off, Nina and I headed up the Maitai River to the dam just outside of Nelson. The water for Nelson and Richmond is stored here before heading down to a treatment plant. The drive up there is very cool. After leaving our place, it took 2 minutes to get to the CBD and 30 seconds to get through it. On the other side, we drove for 3 minutes through a neighborhood before heading along the river. Just outside of town, which is really still pretty much it town is a narrow river valley with a road and parks through it for a few miles. Then we were in the country. The change of landscape took about 4 minutes from being coastal Nelson, to being in hilly country. The dam is about 20 minutes up a gravel road from downtown Nelson. When we got there we drove up and say a sign that said “Tame Deer, No Shooting.” Read the rest of this entry »