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Hope You Are Hungry

Tuesday, September 20th, 2005

Day 59

The best thing about traveling is experiencing new things each day. Now that we are on the road again, those experiences are coming fast and furious again. It’s awesome. Today I got a chance to ride my dinner. This doesn’t happen at home. Cows, pigs, and chickens are pretty darn tough to ride. Ostrichs on the other hand, are a blast.

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A Cold Day In Hell

Monday, September 19th, 2005

Day 58

The sun is directly overhead but it is cold. Since it has been warm all day, I don’t have my fleece on and the sweat on my back is giving me a chill. We are at an elevation of 4,000 feet. The wind is blowing at around 15 mph in a consistent southerly direction. The earth is red and rocky. There is no sound except for the wind blowing through the little vegetation that exists. Scrub in my laymen’s eyes. Dust is in the air and is making my throat dry. The mountainous landscape stretches like brain coral in all directions. We didn’t expect to find ourselves in this environment today. We have arrived in hell.

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