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Pip pip, and all that

Monday, September 12th, 2005

While the longest schlep has come to an end, a new era of mini-schleps has begun. The location has changed, but the schlepping remains the same.

I’m once again back in the UK. This time I’m not studying, I’m not visiting, and I’m certainly not going to be blowing all my money going out to Time and Envy and Legends every single week. To be sure, I’m in London, a good long train ride away just in case I ever am tempted to. 🙂 Nope, this time I’m just here to live and work, and make the most of the six months that I’ll be over here before I have to go back to the States and sort out what to do with the rest of my life. Although, I haven’t at all bypassed the stress and unsurety that I’ll be going through when I move back and start looking for a job and a place to live, as that is exactly what I’m having to deal with at this very moment. When I tell people that I’m over here on a young person’s visa to work here for six months, everyone asks what it is that I’m doing; they don’t seem to realize that the ability to work and actually working are two very different things.

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