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Articles Tagged ‘risk’

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Flying, Recirculated Air and Colds

Monday, October 29th, 2007

Aircraft Cabin Air Recirculation and Symptoms of the Common Cold

This was a pretty interesting article that looked at risks of catching a cold while traveling via airliner, due to recycled air.

The study looked at the main factor of recycled air in the cabins of commercial airliners and its risk factor for catching a cold. The article basically said there was no increased risk of catching a cold while flying, commercially.

I was convinced that I was getting sick from other people, in the cabin, due to recycled air. Hmmm, I guess it turns out I am just a hypochondriac with bad info!

CDC Releases New Interactive Malaria Map

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2007

CDC Malaria Risk Map

The CDC just released a new Malaria Risk Map that is interactive and pretty cool. The link is to the homepage and the just select to open the map, in a new window. Kinda like google earth with bugs!