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Ready or not, here we go.

Monday, May 29th, 2006

Guidebooks? Check. Maps? Check. Typhoid, Yellow Fever, Tetanus, Hepatitis shots and Malaria pills? Yikes, what are we getting ourselves into? This blog will document our trip to Peru. Well, hopefully, anyway, since I’m not so sure how this all works when travelling without a computerĀ and I am hoping to post some of our photos for friends and family here (you’ll all get tired of reading about our trip but the photos should be great). We’ll see. Our itinerary is to fly from San Francisco to Houston, then straight to Lima. The next morning onward to Cusco, a full three days before our guide shows up. We thought it would be good to arrive with extra time to acclimate to the altitude (over 11,000 ft.) before expecting anything (like walking upright) of our already out-of-shape bodies. After a few days in Cusco, we will visit the Sacred Valley and overnight in Ollantaytambo, then on to Aguas Calientes and Machu Picchu. From there, back to Cusco and a flight to Puerto Maldonado, a small town near the border of Bolivia. We’ll go from there by boat to the EcoAmazonia Lodge for three nights, then back to Lima for the flight home to San Francisco. By then, I hope to have overcome my fear of bugs as big as Buicks and learned that a little (or a lot of) heat and humidity does nothing worse to me than make my hair curlier.