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September 19, 2006

The movie script

INT. At Colors Night Jose,Mark,Nate and Andrew are at the pool table. Jose and Nate are playing. NATE Well look who it is here. How was it? Did you like teaching the monsters in Purgatory. ANDREW Pussy MARK Hey, what choice did I have? JOSE Say no MARK Sounds so easy - You weren't there ANDREW No, and I wouldn't be NATE Only because people wouldn't let you near their kids JOSE Or their pets Nate motions to the waiter to bring another round. NATE So, did you get lucky. Oh don't give me that innocent look. It's obvious he fancies you MARK Uhhhhhhggggg. We talked about an idea of mine NATE You discussed business with him MARK Yeah? ANDREW Bad idea MARK The hell. NATE Hell nothing. Rules,mate MARK What rules? ANDREW You don't give your phone number,your place of work or your real name NATE You don't say 'I love you' unless she's on the steps of a plane with a one way ticket MARK One way ticket … Gotcha. And? ANDREW Never meet the family, and never,ever discuss business with the boss. So, he liked your idea? MARK Yeah. I think he's going to let me run with it. JOSE I think you're playing with fire. MARK No. It's okay ANDREW I think he should run it up the flagpole JOSE Apa? ANDREW We seem to be in an idiom loop. I wanted my shot. JOSE Okay. How about 'up the creek','twisting in the wind', 'out on a limb'. JOSE Teach English and leave this shit alone. MARK This is a solid plan JOSE This isn't about good or bad. They will screw you. Either because you scare them, or because you rock the boat. MARK Rock the boat? ANDREW Houston, we have an Idiom loop.

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Posted by Wayne on September 19, 2006 10:37 AM

September 16, 2006

September in Indonesia

September in Indonesia Ramadan is almost upon us...

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Posted by Wayne on September 16, 2006 04:43 PM
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