
Recent Entries

April 13, 2005


Hey all... the charger for my camera is back in my possession, so without further ado...

My friend Dave´s favorite picnic table... overlooking San Luis

Self portrait overlooking San Luis

My old pals playing football in the streets (San Luis again)

The mask I made (with help, of course). This is one type of mask they carve in Boruca: the ecological mask. This type of ecological mask is one of the simpler designs. We chose it so that my teacher could do one side, and I could copy on the other. Eventually, he turned the keys (or knives) over...

This is a mask made by my primary teacher, Hilberto. I bought it from him as thanks for the lessons and because it is a sweet mask. This is a modified (ecological) diablo (devil) design.

This mask was carved and painted by Hilberto's brother (and my other teacher), Billy. Another ecological design, but with more face...

None of these masks are used in the Fiesta de los Diablitos... only for sale.

Posted by Vaughan on April 13, 2005 07:11 PM

Vaughan, I totally dig the masks, what is the story behind them? I am glad you are keeping this journal so that they rest of us can drool about you learning experiences

take care

Posted by: Mark Batcheler on April 25, 2005 02:06 PM
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