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April 11, 2005


I talked with my family from San Luis several times after departing for Boruca a month ago. In each conversation, I was asked when I would be returning for another visit. Initially, I didn't think that I would have the time to make it back to San Luis, but my early departure from Boruca to meet with Jose Carlos in San Jose left me ample time. So at 8:30PM on Thursday, I snuck through the back door of Jenny's house for a bit of a surprise...

She was more than a bit surprised, and we spent the evening catching up.

There were several reasons that I decided to return to San Luis prior to leaving Costa Rica, the primary one being an opportunity to work on my Spanish in a supportive environment. Thus far it has been a great choice.

I have spent the last few days journaling, reading, walking around San Luis (which is essentially hiking here... everything is either straight up or straight down), and hanging out by the river.

Here are a few things that I've done since returning:
- harvested chayote (similar to squash) and chamoles (a root vegetable) with about 10 other family members and friends
- attended an afternoon party where mirimba music highlighted the milling and boiling of sugar cane... soon after we had drinks of sugar, snacks of sugar, meals of sugar...
- attended two birthday parties... one of which was for Jessica, Jenny's oldest daughter

I have two more days here... I return to San Jose on Wednesday and fly to Phoenix on Thursday. I hope all is well!

Posted by Vaughan on April 11, 2005 11:57 AM
Category: In San Luis

Yesterday, the sun was out, a beautiful day, today it's snowing, ground covered with that white stuff.Spring is in the air though, purple crocus are out next to the steps, some plants in "Mom's Garden" are beginning to come to life.
On Saturday I went to Boston with the Peakes "girls", Julie, Melissa, Shelley and Hillary to see Phantom of the Opera, What a great play, just love the music. This is the third time that I've seen it, 2nd time in Boston plusonce in London.
Your "ramblings" are most interesting and informative sounds like you are having a most inderesting/different time and look forward to seeing you back in Maine for your "first suppah"

Posted by: Lois on April 12, 2005 09:10 AM
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