
Recent Entries

February 26, 2005


Here are some photos....

Hard at work...

Jacqueline, Jessica, y Yo

Josue and Jenny


Catarata de Arenal

Lauren and Vaughan at a Historical Landmark

Dave, Nick, and Vaughan take a break from framing

Posted by Vaughan on February 26, 2005 04:56 PM


Nice photos! Looks like a great time. Speaking of great times...How do you feel about coming over to Hopi April 16th through the 30th?

Wishing you the best

Posted by: Stacie on February 28, 2005 01:47 PM

what's up vaughan
looks like a sweet time down there, you are hanging out with clowns. be careful of those tico women. i can't make the hopi build--they need me at my desk, ugh! keep sending the love, brother--it's a beautiful path. talk to you soon

Posted by: Adam on March 1, 2005 05:20 PM

These pictures are great, Vaughan. Hope you are enjoying yourself, learning, laughing and staying safe. Can't wait to read more stories. And for a missive from your past, learn how to ask "what's the most shocking thing in your past?" in Spanish... You'll probably be able to surprise your new friends the same way you surprised us Trailmark folks. Stacy says hello. I chatted with her this morning.

Have fun!


Posted by: Ashley on March 3, 2005 11:32 PM

I finally have been able to get into your site, you know how I am with computers. Sounds like you're having some wonderful adventures and look forward to hearing and seeing your pictures. Today the weather is crazy, rain, now changing to snow, expecting several inches or more. Hope to get to Monson later this week and use my gift from you-x-country ski tickets, take care, love, lois

Posted by: lois on March 8, 2005 10:13 AM

I finally have been able to get into your site, you know how I am with computers. Sounds like you're having some wonderful adventures and look forward to hearing and seeing your pictures. Today the weather is crazy, rain, now changing to snow, expecting several inches or more. Hope to get to Monson later this week and use my gift from you-x-country ski tickets, take care, love, lois

Posted by: lois on March 8, 2005 10:13 AM
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