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February 26, 2005

My Time in La Fortuna

Lluvia is the Spanish word for rain... and boy did I see mucho lluvia in La Fortuna. Now I know why they call this ecosystem a RAINforest.

For my first full day in La Fortuna, I hiked with my three new European friends to the Catarata Arenal, a large waterfall in the hills around La Fortuna. It was a pleasurable walk from downtown past numerous fruit farms and the House of Hammocks.

After a brief swim below the falls, the four of us returned to town to catch a tour through the rainforest and an evening at one of the local hot springs. During the wet walk through the rainforest, we saw several prominent rainforest creatures, including two types of monkeys, a toucan, and a wild turkey. The hike led to an overlook of Volcan Arenal, which is active and can be seen when there isn't a cloud cover that extends to its base... or so they tell me.

The hot springs was relaxing, but more developed than I tend to care for. There were two wet bars (i.e. you sit in the hot springs while they serve you drinks), which drew many of the people and left some pools quite vacant for some relaxing soaks.

The following day, three of us continued on to Santa Elena. We had two choices: take an eight hour public bus ride for $4 USD or a $15 private bus/boat/bus ride which crossed Lago de Arenal I'm cheap, but not that cheap... by boat it was. I grabbed lunch and bid adieu to my traveling companions. Onward to San Luis!

Posted by Vaughan on February 26, 2005 04:30 PM
Category: Week One
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