2. The rest of my night
So, I can’t complete my list of things to do before I leave tonight. I am far too tired. It’s a little past 4:20 AM and I have to get to the city in the early afternoon tomorrow and its going to kill me at this point. So, i went to dinner at Matsuyamas, my favorite restaurant in Novato, if not anywhere, with Sean’s family. We had a really nice meal and I talked about my spinal tap and they gave my advice to called this guy from KGO radio and we also talked about legalizing drugs and LSD and suing people and bathrooms that sanitize themselves. LOL, interesting dinner conversation haha. The lady at Matsuyamas always calls me a beauty and treats me so well. I love them there. Then Sean and I moved a mattress out of his room and we went to blockbuster and only I went in and I got 3 blueray movies, death race, Lucky # Slevin, and Sunrise or something like that. I met an older man named Bob who I helped pick out movies and he talked my ear off about movies he watched and his wife having passed and more and he was a really sweet older man. I do love talking to older people and I really want to volunteer at an old folks home. But he liked me a little too much and tried to get my number after we left the store and he asked me to lunch later today but I really said I can’t. I felt sooo bad because I have never had to turn down someone in their 70’s or something who was just sooo nice, but I figure he wasn’t just interested in polite conversation with me, but truly I don’t know that. I just think it would be a little weird going to lunch with a stranger who is as old as my grandfather… Sigh… But anyways. I also found out at the video store that most of the video stores are going out of business and possibly even blockbuster!!! :0 aggghhh!!! My dream is to work in either a video store or in a movie theatre for a student part time job when I get back and I am freaked out now. I just want to help people experience amazing movies that change their lives, is that too much to ask for? Anyways, we got home and Sean and I had amazing sex, I came a few times and was breathless by the end of it, we usually do it missionary and I love it that way because he is just in soo much control, but I like it when we change it up too so he pulled me to the edge of the bed and we did it that way for a while and then he flipped me over and I really enjoyed a n a l and that was awesome. He lay on my back afterwards, both of us out of breath, slowly our breathing returning to normal, I kiss what I can reach without moving, his hand, he kisses my shoulder in response. We lie there for a little longer in silence, his ontop of me, my wanting his always there ontop of me. I would lie there with him forever if I could in those moments. I don’t know what I am going to do without him. We live together practically. He is my warmth, my focus, my happiness, I love sharing things with him, we help each other and keep each other stuck in unproductiveness sometimes but its together so its kind of okay, I love watching him sleep, my cat loves him too, he may be a lot of things and we probably fight too much, but he’s mine, he’s my Sean and I love him. He always makes sure he pleases me 10 times over the first time I orgasm and he barely cares about his own, and the funny thing all I care about is him feeling just as good as me if not waaayy more. I just care about him soo much, I wish men could easily have multiple orgasms or that he could at least have his mind go blank with pure ecstasy once in a while. He’s a little too conscious when he comes, I am sometimes depending how the orgasm is, but the times when it is pure bliss are always the best and everyone should experience that. Anyways, so that was awesome and then we kissed and cleaned up and lied down together and kissed some more. Then we went downstairs to watch Death Race in HD and I made chicken flavored pasta which was just okay and we cuddled on the couch but it wasn’t that comfortable until later when I cuddled up next to him and lay my head on his strong and soft chest and listened to his heart beat. So, the movie ended and we cleaned up the kitchen and I sent a long e-mail to my travel agent for later today and now I am writing in you. Holly is staring at me and Sean is snoring just slightly looking as cute as ever. I need to join them now so my day isn’t even more screwed up. Alight, goodnight.
Tags: My day at home