title>Lost in Ogawa: March 2005 Archives - BootsnAll Travelogues
Lost in Ogawa Ohayoo, Konnichiwa, Irasshai!! |
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March 28, 2005GraduationWhat? The school year is over? Already? But it’s only late March! The new school year starts the second week in April?! This is madness or is it? This news came as a big surprise to me. I always...Read this update Posted by Tony on March 28, 2005 11:44 PM
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Dia: What happened to the graduation ceremony entry?? ... [read]
TK: Thanks for reading Dflo, you rock! and Kevin, Stay... [read] mog: dear kevin, stay in school. love mog... [read] kevin: hi. right now i am siting in 3rd period class bord... [read] Dflo: So am I the only one who comments on this thingy?!... [read] Dia: I really like the pics of the Ferris Wheel. It lo... [read] logan: you shoulda took pics with the show girls... [read] Dia: Where are the show girls pics??!! I wanna see wha... [read] mog: frost is starting to form on cars in the morning h... [read] Dia: Hey Tony, Haven't heard from you in awhile. I... [read] |